I've been using a Megs Gold Class lambs wool... But where I live now I get a lot of crap falling out of my tree, even while I wash. The lambs wool traps a lot of this and is super dificult to get out. I just bought a ShMitt to try out. The Ulti Mit is very interesting. I may have to buy one of those too.
The new double sided Ulti-mitt is the way to go. I have the original but the double sided will be in my next AG order (except I can't find it on the site ... ). I didn't really care for the Shmitt ... you need to apply too much pressure for it to clean evenly and the dirt has nowhere to go when you do so.
Does anyone clean with the grout sponge? I use a sea sponge, lambs wool, and/or mf mitt when I wash my car.
I used my white SchMITT for the second time this weekend and I noticed that when compressed, it was just like any normal sponge. IMO, not good for use on a significantly filthy car. I think I'll see how well the white SchMITT performs as the between polishing passes wipe-down tool. I have the original Ulti-Mit as well, but may soon be in the market for the double-sided Ulti-Mit as well once I hear back from my friend about the SchMITT GS.
I currently use the grout sponge. I used to use the sheepskin wool mitts but they eventually kind of fall apart.
U know I thought the same about the schmitt when I was using it. But when using it it does have the dimples that do not touch the paint. Not sure of how much dirt and etc. actually go there but the concept works. I checked it for myself when I opened my door and cleaned the window on the outside and looked through the window at what happens. Its actually cool what happens even with a some pressure. I took pics but I dont think I have them on my computer. I will check when I get home.
Very interesting Russ, thanks for sharing! Maybe I was just using too much pressure. I'll try looking through the window when using the Ulti-Mit.
I have been using the ShMITT for a while now and really like it. I have five at the moment and see myself using it for a while.
No the neighbors will think you are really crazy washing that way.:shead::yikes: Just think what mine thought when I was taking pics.:drinking2::crasy: But its a good way to see what action a mitt has.
Sheepskin and a very plush MF mitt from Target (vroom brand). The MF mitt holds up much better than the sheepskin, but it doesn't release contaminants as easily.
I love my plush MF mitts from Target. They are really nice. I've got 3 hanging up in my utility room that are new.
Thanks Budman3 while I have your attention... I remember reading a post regarding Poorboys. I just remember you have had good sucess using SSR2.5 and SSR2.1 Which pads do you recommend I buy from Lake Country and how many? I was thinking starting with one orange, white and blue...
You can also support one of the forum sponsors, Detailer's Domain, and buy it from Phil: Shmitt Wash Mitt I'm on my 2nd Schmitt and am a big fan as P1et. Like the yellow side for hitting the front bumper, windows, and the bottom of the sides.
I don't use an orange pad with SSR2.5 a lot but at times it is needed. I would get at a minimum, 1 orange (SSR2.5 if needed), 2 white (SSR2.5, SSR1), 1 blue finishing pad (sealant, glaze or wax).