Buy one get one......wondering....

Discussion in 'Detailers Domain' started by detailersdomain, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    What do you guys want to see....maybe buy one get one Lusso Oro

    or buffing pads????

    or even more microfiber...

    let me know what stocking stuffers make sense...

    only a few more days to shop for your loved ones...
  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

  3. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    sure thing we will do that.
  4. akimel

    akimel Birth of a Detailer

    I know I shouldn't, but I would probably spring for a Lusso Oro BOGO ...
  5. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    U need to do pads... U've done a lot of mf sales, and so has justin. But neither of the two have done a "great" sale on pads
  6. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    It would be nice to see a BOGOF in a few categories.
  7. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    How about Leather Master???
  8. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    BOGO Crystal Rock.... at least I tried. Pads are a good idea, Lusso would be sick too.
  9. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Ooo... I'd like the pads on a BOGO...

    Or Menz polishes :D
  10. Brian N

    Brian N Jedi Nuba

    Oooo menz polishes.
  11. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Kind of a stretch but P21S BOGO?

    If not, I'd be satisfied with a BOGO for pads, 3M products, Menzerna products or Optimum products. I need quite a few red 4" pads for LSP application.
  12. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba

    Pads would be nice. The prices on your pads are a bit on the high side (well, at least compared to AG last time I checked), so a BOGO on those would be great.
  13. rtrt2889

    rtrt2889 Birth of a Detailer

    That would be great. :applause2:

    Pads, Lusso, MF, BP, Menz all would work.

    Which BP in particular...the 3m one? :tiptoe:
  14. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Pads would be great. Can never have too many of those.
  15. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Pads/applicators would be nice indeed...
  16. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    those yellow applicators, I need to stock up
  17. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Those and the GERMAN applicators!!!
  18. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

  19. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    pads pads
    pads pads pads
    pads pads pads pads

    please please please do pads!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thank you
  20. Smith2287

    Smith2287 Welcome to Detailing

    Anything in a BOGO sale attracts me but maybe some 1Z stuff i am really starting to like everything I juse from them. But of you throw crystal rock as a BOGO i might pick up a few. :thumb:

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