bstp VS Black Toyota Alphard minivan,

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by bstp, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. bstp

    bstp Birth of a Detailer

    BSTP VS Black Toyota Alphard minivan, full paint correction

    Alright, it’s been quite a while since I do these write ups,. Lots of things have happened in my professional life since the beginning of the year, to be honest, there were months where I did not get any chance to do any detailing due to new commitments and responsibilities in other aspects of my life. Before I start I would like to personally apologize to some individuals for not having been keeping in touch for these past few months, especially to my friend Jimmy and also Ken (911fanatic).
    The owner of this car booked the car for a full paint correction service. He and his brother are a very good friend of mine. The thing is, they live about 200 miles away from where I live so to do this car I had to arrange a (at least) four days detailing trip. So on I went.
    When I got got to his house, it was already 11 pm so I didn’t get the chance to take any before pics.
    The car was quite large so the next morning I started washing the car with dishwashing soap in an attempt to strip any lsp that it might have had on, and then ONR and follow it up with claying. It took me at least two and a half hours to wash and clay the car. The car was not contaminated too badly, it”s just the sheer size of the thing that was forcing to spend so much time decontaminating it.
    After the car was washed and thoroughly clayed, I inspected the paint under the halogen light, and it was evident that the black paint job had some quite pronounced swirl and oxidation marks.
    I taped an area on one of the doors to start experimenting on what kind of approach I needed to take to get a satisfying level of correction on this car.
    What I had in my arsenal for paint correction at the time was:
    Dewalt Rotary
    Scholl s17
    Scholl s40
    Meguiars M105
    Meguiars M205
    Uber yellow pads
    LC White , green and black ccs pads
    3M wool pads

    Some of the things in my arsenal at that time
    From the test panel I learned that the Toyota paint was rather softer than the European paint jobs that I was used to. After a good couple of hours experimenting, I decided that my plan of attack would be to:
    1. Attack the paint defects with a few hits of M105 on the wool pad at 1400 RPM until the deeper defects was taken care of
    2. Follow up with M105 on Uber Yellows to clean up the leftovers of the woll compounding stage
    3. Refine the paint with a hit of M205 on LC white
    4. this last step was not really necessary as the results of the previous steps was already LSP ready, but I decided to go for it anyway to see how much more the paint can be improved by a hit of scholl S40 on LC blacks. And sure enough, it did bring the gloss up a notch, the paint looked so glossy and the reflections was so deep like it had a high end nuba put on top of it, even BEFORE I put any LSP on it.
    5. LSP was two coats of Collinite’s IW 845 applied back to back by hand
    Well here are the (heavily time-constrained) pictures I managed to take on this 4 day exterior detail. Please excuse me if the pics were rather uninformative, as this was my first out of town detailing trip, time was a huge concern for me at the time and I also failed to bring my SLR with me.

    Here is a pic I managed to take after the wool compounding stage

    Below is the same panel after being hit by m105 on uber yellows, this pad has to be among the heavy compounding pads out there that can finish down so good, almost LSP ready
    Definitely suggest it to anyone doing a one stepper

    And this one is the previous panel after a hit of m205 on LC whites
    And here are some pic of some panels after I hit them with s40 on lc blacks (being a very oily polish, some oils were still evident as at that time because I was worried that I might re introduce surface marring to the soft paint if I buff it too much while the paint is still warm from the machine polishing process, so those tails are not marring they are oil trails, which I buff off after the panel had cooled down)

    And here are a few pics after I applied two coats of IW 845

    Total time taken was beyond 30 hours , due to the size of the thing. I purposefully removed the pics my mate Iyo took of me when I was doing the roof, through the sun roof, because I think I looked rather like a pale impression of Rommel on those pictures

    Thanks for viewing

    cheers from Indonesia,


    Note : none of the pics were edited or retouched with any photo editing apps. They are posted in “as is” condition as they were when they were taken

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