This Audi is basically a one stepper with a little compounding on the hood to get rid of a key mark that some vandal made. Being an 02, the paint had lost its luster and needed a bit of a face lift. Although this wasn’t an all out correction job, it did achieve some very good results in the short period I had it. Some of the stuff used: Optimum Car Wash Iron x exclusive blue clay Flex rotaries Power Finish UCC, and wool pads sealed with Permanon Platinuum Before shots Miscellaneous damage After a bit of work Door edge mark improved 50/50 of the door Tired looking mirror Mirror looking a bit clearer Crappy trim Better Trunk 50/50 Right rear quarter Looking a bit better One crappy indoor shot as it was dark and raining when I finished Thanks for looking
Nice turnaround for a one-stepper Bryan, looking much better than it did before. I just hope the owner has summer wheels stocked away somewhere lol
Nice clean up. How are you liking Permanon Platinum and how are you applying it? I have some but I'm being fairly cautious about where I use it until I get a better feel for methods and durability. At this point it is just on the summer wheels of my wife's car and I'll probably do my work truck next. I used a 10% solution with a Kwazar Venus Pro for the wheels but no vinegar pretreatment. I think I'll try 5% on the truck body and maybe use the vinegar wipe first. The vinegar instructions I've seen aren't totally clear but I take it that 5% acidity supermarket bulk vinegar is to be diluted 19:1 which would result in a very weak solution.
yes the summers are going on very soon. I did another wash with APC and Optimum car wash before applying it. It seems to do well at 5% for me for the spraying method.