Just a quick write up as I am way behind. This customer drove nearly 2 hours to see me as he was suffering from some holograms from a previous detailer. After seeing some reviews and picture I got an email and we set it up. The previous detail as I would find out left a lot of defects in as they called it Audi soft clear. When has audi had soft clear? This was a quick 2 step, polish and then refinement. Just some exterior shots as I was pressed for time due to my wife’s car breaking down on me in the morning while I shuttled the little guy off to school. Owner had a bit of a smile and offered to do Cart wheels to Dub step for me The owner said he can now wash his car again without the embarrassment. Thanks for looking
Ya. It was my second customer that week that drove almost 2 hours to see me. I guess all the hard work is paying off. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2