this Brand new but is it new after all ..just couldnt find the time to do more write up been very hectic in Hives till recent things get settle down upon arrival gift was picked up and brought a long the way dirty wheels usual stains and dirt more wax or polish residues to be cleaned Eg why does new car need to be polished ???? Rather than just wax?? after a good good bath dirt before ta da you see lights rids more holograms This is a sign where the car has been polished and polished in a wrong way Mishandled by some irresponsible .....or ignorant !!! Thought that by doing the job but rather Not knowing what really happen but make it happen for the worst some water marks issue It shows that it has been store at an open area for quite a while & therefore prior delivery it has rain stains aka contaminant which can only be polish off Now the damaged took place close up before light scratches more more ater many many hours of paint restorations more tada before hologram now tada after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION
Remark alien coat aka opti coat pro after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION after alien coated for OPTIMUM PROTECTION interior is protected as well At the end if the day What we spent time is........... Empowering the knowledge To care for the investment....... Wherher See u in 3 or 10 Years time We will know How far it shall last Cos no owner like your true owner! Take up your ownership and enjoy yr ride