Spotted an advert for a business startup book guide in an Entrepreneur magazine. It caught my eye as it mentioned one of the specific books they carry is the Automobile Detailing Business. Because I'm's a screenshot of the site so you don't even have to leave this page. Check out chapter 1 here They also offer a book on basic 'Car Wash Business'. See here.
As soon as I'm done watching Game of Thrones, I will hunt down that book. But in the mean while read these I just did a quick spartan search and found these
It looks like they are talking about a guy in that chapter, that came on to the Proper Auto Care website, inaccurately portraying his involvement with drum polishers, believe he was removed from Forum. He went on and on about how good they are, but all their videos just showed them buffing straight, flat panels, like buses, RV's, etc.. Could never answer my questions like how do you do round, circular, small, areas, how much do the big honking buffing pads cost, how many grades are there, etc... Dan F
Recommended reading- 1. Start Your Own Automobile Detailing Business by Eileen Figure Sandlin 2. Selling The Invisible" by Harry Beckwith 3. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber 4. What Clients Love: A Field Guide to Growing Your Business – Harry Beckwith 5. Mentored By A Millionaire by Steven K. Scott Amazon Books 6. Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill 7. The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey 8. Starting a Business info from IRS website Starting a Business