Black E-92 M3 Paint Overspray Rescue Detail

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Auto Concierge, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    As the title states, this car had a little "Overspray" problem that the owner experienced while he was stationed overseas in the Navy. As he is a hard working sailor in the Naval Special Warfare Community I did my best to take care of him as I am prior "Blackshoe" Navy who rode Grey ships and his job is a LITTLE harder than that and he deserves a little something coming home as guys that do what he does do not get the pay or kudos they should.

    Richie aka "The Bing" helped on this job, here is the initial pics of the overspray which in later pics you will see reached every possible crevice.



    During the removal.


    Even the trim under the window was hit......................


    During removal, I was rubbing for EVER...........................


    From top to bottom............................


    Conventional clay works great, but this is where the surface prep towel shines................ working sharp edges like the thin OE spoiler.


    Richie claying.


    Besides the overspray, you can see the tore up finish................... soft clear..................thanks BMW!.


    Richie cutting the finish.


    Here is cause for "Pause" thin readings.


    Late night work.


    Rear drivers quarter in need of correction.


    Rupe LHR 75 getting it done.


    Fine polishing.


  2. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    We finished the car late into the evening before the delivery next morning early, so it was a scramble to snap a few sun pics across the street where there was a sliver of sun poking thru.







  3. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    One hell of a nice job fellas.
  4. stingray23

    stingray23 Jedi Nuba

  5. drew935

    drew935 Auto Salon Works

    Sweet black beauty again guys! :applause:
  6. InsanePaint

    InsanePaint Pro Detailer

    Hoooooooly freakin crap!!! CRAZY beautiful. Makes it even more special that it's for a service man. KICKASS. :)
  7. SoCal Garage

    SoCal Garage DB Forum Supporter

    The automobile came out great—as usual, but the service to our country by the both of you makes this one a bit more special! Thanks.
  8. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    Taken care of Willis style. (With help from Richie)

    sent using my thumbs, mispelling most words
  9. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    I was out to sea in peacetime, I did nothing like the service the current guys are doing especially the "tip of the spear" guys. It boils my blood sometimes why they cannot be allowed to KATN ..................but this is a detailing thread not a conservative soapbox I like..........make that love to stand on.
  10. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Great job Bob / Bing! How do you like the 75 Bob? With all these new quality polishers coming out, it's getting tough to decide on just one!
  11. Mpower4life

    Mpower4life DB Pro Supporter

    82... yikes.....
  12. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

  13. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    There is always something new coming out Ken, and sometimes things are hype in part because of who is selling it or what the product is. Phil & KBM sell the units so that takes care of that problem and I only use stuff that works so you are Golden.
  14. kakeuter

    kakeuter DB Forum Supporter

    Another solid save, Bob. Is that the new Mirca CEROS? I haven't looked into it much, had no idea it was electric.

  15. mikenap

    mikenap Jedi Nuba

    First thing that went through my head too...that's crazy thin for BMW, yet thicker than most areas on my Mazda3! :shakehead:

    Great work from the two of you...again! That overspray was literally everywhere.

    On a side note, how did you find the Ceros to be as a polisher? It's a super quiet machine and if it can do double duty like that, it would jump to the top of my "don't need but really want" list.
  16. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Well I needed a dedicated quality sander, and sometimes(When I try my best to avoid it............) I am mobile. So being electric it is a machine I can use on the road, and yes as a final polish step the the machine works great as the throw is tight and smooth and breaks down polishes to a super clear finish.

    Mr KBM as some of you know is trying to adapt the 15mm motor from the Rupes LHR 75 to the Ceros, then you have big offset for cutting joined with light weight, and up to 10,000 OPM which will destroy defects and facilitate great medium polishing prowess much like the LHR 75 but is ELECTRIC......... so no compressor needed for those that do not have that option can have a alternative quality machine.
  17. sydtoosic

    sydtoosic Birth of a Detailer

    great work...
  18. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    Very nice work!
  19. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    Great work as usual Bob. I can't image removing that much overspray on a vehicle.

    I can't wait for Kevin's frankenbuffer.:thumb:
  20. detaildude3629

    detaildude3629 Birth of a Detailer

    so nice work there:)

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