Best Soap For Foam Canon

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by ////AMG, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. ////AMG

    ////AMG Two Bucket System Washer

    I recently purchased an LS12 Foam Canon and I am wondering what would be a good soap to use with it that gives a good foam? I tried Autoglym's Body Shampoo and Conditioner (3 caps full in a one liter bottle) and it wasn't stick was "runny". I herd Detailers Pro Xtreme Foam is the best?


  2. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I like Chemical Guys Maxisuds II 2oz to 1000ml of soft filtered or distilled water and your golden, plus a gallon is only $11.
  3. ////AMG

    ////AMG Two Bucket System Washer

    Does it remove wax? My LS12 comes with a 1 liter bottle so how much soap and water is required? Also where is it for $11?

  4. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Its LSP safe (does not remove wax in case you dont know what LSP means) In my first post 2oz of CG Maxisuds to 1 liter of water which is 1000ml.
  5. M3ride.

    M3ride. Wax on..Wax off

    DP Xtreme Foam & Poorboy's Super Slick & Suds are both foam crazy and lsp friendly.
  6. ////AMG

    ////AMG Two Bucket System Washer

    So basically 60ml of soap and 940ml of water in one bottle? Thats alot of soap
  7. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    a gallon of Maxi suds should last you a LONG LONG time...... even at generous ratios.
  8. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    It doesnt have to be exactly 60ml just approximately 2oz which converts to 60ml's of soap and fill up the rest of the container with soft filtered water just dont fill it to the brim of course then shake up the bottle to mix up the soap and water prior to snowfoaming since Maxisuds II is thick and will stay all at he bottom if you dont do this. If you have the markings on your bottle to indicate the ML's go by that, you can also use distilled water. Its really not alot at all not for snow foaming this is not a regular wash this is a snow foam so you need that dilution of soap to get the job done. And with CG Maxisuds being so cheap $11 a gallon, dont worry if you use a bit more. A gallon will last 64 washes that more than a years worth of product for weekly snowfoamings if your only doing that vehicle.

    Yup its a great deal and last a while I want to try out the new CG No Touch Snowfoam hopefully CG in the US gets it in soon

    Chemical Guys No Touch Snow Foam 5LTR
  9. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    not the "best shampoo" but I do like CG products. Zaino car shampoo is my favorite, but not in a foam gun
  10. stingray23

    stingray23 Jedi Nuba

    yep.I use the DP Xtreme foam and its REALLY foamy. smells goods too
  11. ////AMG

    ////AMG Two Bucket System Washer

    You do not fill it to the top because their should be room for shaking/mixing? Are you suppose to add the water first then soap? Because when I add the soap first you get less water and more soap bubbles in the bottle. Im in Canada so I'm stuck with paying $25 a gallon. And couldn't find a cheaper source down in the U.S that ships here.
  12. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I always put the 2oz in then fill it up. If you fill it up with water slowly you wont have any problems at all with bubbles. But you can do it your way if you want to just make sure you mix the soap and water mixture properly before snowfoaming. Any yes the small space is for mixing and so it doesn't leak out on you when you start snowfoaming.

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