Austin Healey detailing

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by juguina, May 25, 2010.

  1. juguina

    juguina Virgin Detailer

    I am new in detailing, but I have learned alot from you guys on this forum.
    This is my first serious proyect which I think came out well even I was afraid to be to hard with the clear coat.
    One of my main questions is how to work under the bumpers, I found some swirl I coulkdn't get rid of.
    I am attaching some pictures so you give me your comments.

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    Attached Files:

  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Cool car. looks nice. For areas that a polisher won't reach, try one of the LC Hand Polishing Pads we carry. They are the same foam as the orange and green LC pads and actually work extremely well. What were you procedures for detailing the car - products and equipment?
  3. richy

    richy Guest

  4. juguina

    juguina Virgin Detailer

  5. juguina

    juguina Virgin Detailer

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