This client approached me after this S4 had been detailed by another local detailer and he wasn't happy with how the car looked. The paint still had swirls, RIDS, and was heavily marred from aggressive DA compounding. The hard Audi clearcoat was too much of a challenge for the other guy. After a talk on the phone and looking at the car in person we scheduled a multi-day correction to get the Audi looking proper again. Upon arrival Dull, lifeless, heavily marred paint.... 50/50 shots after compounding only. Proper compounding finishing down better than the previous guy's attempt with some "rocks in a bottle" compound. Driver's fender before... After compounding Lower sections were especially rough and took multiple passes with Meguiars 101 to clear up. Starting to look better, but it took a few more passes to remove the remaining RIDS. Severe RIDS 50/50 on door after compounding Clarity difference, you can see the car wasn't very black when originally brought in Passenger quarter looking pretty poor After 1 pass of compounding After polishing Trunk needed work.... Opposing side fully corrected Windshield frame was polished to restore clarity and gloss. 50/50 shot Compounding on the hood Final polishing was still to be carried out, but wanted to get some sun pics as this was going to be an evening pick up and the sun would be down. Gloss and clarity restored Final shots in the garage after removing the wax Thanks for viewing!
Awesome Jeff! Sweet ride. Looks like the last person didn't even touch it. Yes, they do look like Fiske. Are they?
Thanks Drew. The heavy marring was definitely caused by DA compounding, j-hooks everywhere, orbit marks, etc... I guess they didn't know how to handle hard clears. I don't think the wheels are Fikse, but I will ask the owner.
Stunning finish Jeff. I can't believe that car had been detailed. Just nasty. Had a brand new A4 in last week and the clear was so soft, a megs cutting disc was marring it so badly, I couldn't tell if the scratches were removed.
Compressed air and brushes. Paul, even an orange B&S with Power Finish on my rotary would mar the crap out of the finish. Paint was extremely soft. Clean Pakshak towels were marring the finish if I wasn't careful.