Attention 2 Detail NW latest paint correction/detailing projects

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Mpower4life, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Mpower4life

    Mpower4life DB Pro Supporter

    Haven't posted up in a while... Figured i'd throw up some recent projects.

  2. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    No views or replies………………ok.
  3. froboy272

    froboy272 Obsessive Detailer

    I viewed, enjoyed, wished for more photos, and now replied. Some really nice pieces there.
  4. Paint Protection Orlando

    Paint Protection Orlando Detailers Advertising Scheme

    This is why I do not post write ups anymore, the only time a write up gets any replies is when the secrets are given away as we're supposed to help the community.

    If I do get replies the usual post is "How do you do it?" or "What are your products and processes?"

    IMHO due to the lack of quality write ups this place is on life support and is about to flat line at any moment.

    Cars look amazing Paul, keep up the great work!!!!
  5. CarFreak

    CarFreak New Member

    great photos. awesome-looking cars. i'm new in this forum, by the way.
  6. Woob

    Woob Jedi Nuba

    Loving the work!

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