ATD Detailed - 2005 Honda Civic Interior (Dirty)

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by boredstudent3, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    Hey guys,

    She's A Dirty Dirty Car, Dirty Dirty Car, You'll Never Ever Want One...:headbang:

    This civic was WAAAYYY dirtier than the previous one I did, writeup is here:

    Must have been pre-owned by a smoker based on the following clues:
    1. Black Headliner
    2. Caramel coloured substance on ALL surfaces
    3. Burn holes on the driver's seat

    Here are the pics (I have to go and shower now...:tiptoe:):

    Before - Driver Door Panel

    After - Driver Door Panel

    Before - Rear Left Door Panel

    After - Rear Left Door Panel

    Before - Rear Right Door Panel

    After - Rear Right Door Panel

    Before - Front Passenger Door Panel

    After - Front Passenger Door Panel

    Before - Steering Column

    After - Steering Column

    Before - Cup Holder

    After - Cup Holder

    Before - Shifter

    After - Shifter (Can't Save Everything, Plastic Was Just Messed)

    Before - Arm Rest

    Before - Radio

    Before - Hand Brake

    After - Hand Brake

    Before - Rear Speaker Deck

    During - Rear Speaker Deck (mmm...caramel)

    After - Rear Speaker Deck

    Before - Door Pillars (Assorted)

    After - Door PIllars (Assorted)

    Before - Clean MF

    After - Dirty MF

    50/50 - MF Towel (My Precious Towel!!!!!) First Pic Is After HALF of Driver Door Panel

    50/50 - Headliner (Do I Even Need To Tape Off A Section? LOL. You Can Clearly See The Cleaned Portion)

    After - Headliner (Can't Save Everything)

    This car was filthy. Can't believe the owner's drove around in it for so long. I am sure it is a health hazard to be driving around in this thing. But it sucks since I couldn't remove everything in the car. Especially the carpet, it was hammered. It was as if occupants purposely spilled drinks all over it to stain it on purpose. :crasy: Ay Crumba.

    Thanks for looking guys.
  2. astro_ng

    astro_ng Jedi Nuba

    What happened with the headliner...
    That truly is an amazing turn around, great job!

    What did you use to clean the headliner?
  3. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    To me it looks like, someone put a porter potty in the car and then put 2 kg of dynamite and this was the by product
  4. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Good god that car was nasty. I would be disgusted to drive or sit in it.... looks contagious.
  5. Streetlife

    Streetlife Birth of a Detailer

    I hope you used gloves and a hazmat mask. That's sad that someone would let there interior get that filthy.:crasy:
  6. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Someone had a coffee fight in there?

    Fantastic turnaround!
  7. richguy66

    richguy66 DB Forum Supporter

    That is seriously disgusting. I hope you charged them an arm and a leg for that. Nonetheless fantastic job!
  8. TheRustySuper

    TheRustySuper Obsessive Detailer

    That's awful. What the hell did that owner do to the poor car? My friend and I smoke in her car all the time and it doesn't look near that bad.

    Great turnaround though, you deserve some sort of award.
  9. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Don't SMOKE!
  10. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    great job! those were jacked up!
  11. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    thank you for the comments guys!

    i used APC, sprayed on lightly and wiped off...had to scrub some spots, couldn't get the headliner too wet
  12. WashingJosh

    WashingJosh Jedi Nuba

    Holy hell, the shot with the apc running down the pillar, I just imagine the smell of stale tobacco. It looks like someone dipped and then spit it out onto the pillar.
  13. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    You did great work but when a car has been trashed and neglected for so long there's only so much you can do!
  14. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    That was so gross, I almost puked...
    True that...have you seen Jackass 3D? This vehicle kinda reminds me of porter potty scene...
  15. TimAD

    TimAD Jedi Nuba

    Never seen an interior this bad! Great work.
  16. scheerspeed

    scheerspeed DB Forum Supporter

  17. SoCal Garage

    SoCal Garage DB Forum Supporter

    Is this fungus? Was this car flooded at one time?

  18. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Holy Cow ! That car is a direct violation of the Pure Food and Drug Act !!!!!!!!!

    I dont ever want to know or see what their living conditions are where they live. That is just nasty dirty!

    You did an incredible, awesome, job here of removing tons of - well it has be - filth - and giving them back a very clean car!!!

    Kudos to you, man ! Thanks for hanging in there and helping to Clean Up America !!!!

    Dan F
  19. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    there was caramel coloured substance on every vinyl/plastic me crazy but it's sometimes good to get a car like this, it really tests the products and your detailing methods...=)

    true dat, right on.

    thank you Tim and Dom for viewing the thread and commenting.

    i'm not sure, the female driver bought it second hand and never cleaned it. they are not the type of person to do their homework when buying a car. more of a carefree lifestyle (car gets me from A to B and thats it), but the reason i cleaned the car was b/c her sister in law paid for it! i don't know the history of the car, but i would like to know who owned the car before...haha

    lol...this is a very funny and humorous reply. thank you Dan.

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