Applying LSP using a Rotary

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by ps3king, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    Can you use a rotary with a black finishing pad and low speeds to apply sealants?

    Can you also use a rotary and a low cut pad to remove water sports on glass?

    any recommendations?

    I currently have a Flex 3403 VRG rotary and want to remove the water spots from the glass using a LC green pad and power finish. Would that work?

    And in order to save a bit of time and ensure an even coating goes on the car, I was wondering if using a rotary to apply a sealant like DG or jetseal is recommended?

  2. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Use a chemical cleaner to remove water spots from glass. I just had excellent luck with Duragloss 501 on a white CCS pad with my PC, speed 5.

    Then reassess if that doesn't fix the problem. KAIO may be another option to try, if you have it in your arsenal.
  3. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    instead of the PC can I use a rotary as I do not have a PC?
  4. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    sure. just don't go above 900 rpms. It won't do anything extra by using a high speed, since it is not an abrasive type polish, it is a chemical cleaner.
  5. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    i use a rotary myself on glass with a orange pad just fine for water spots. reputable people have even used m105 but I'm to scarred to try that.
  6. Carbon

    Carbon DB Forum Supporter

    Yes, I always use the rotary on the LSP. Just keep it moving and put it on the lowest RPM, this is something that you can 100% do. It actually works alot better and faster than by hand.

  7. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    sure you can use rotary to apply LSP, place near us uses rotary and 10" pad to apply wax on porche and Ferrari, i cringe every time i drive by there, not sure how they still in business
  8. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    Thanks amigos. I will do it up.

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