Any gym rats around?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by 68Stang, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    So, are any of you guys here into fitness? Any lifters, runners, or other gym goers around? If so, what are your stats (height, weight, lifts)? Are you supplementing with anything or 110% complete, purely all natural?
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    The farthest I went into lifting was creatine. I used cell tech and managed to get great gains, but people claim that it doesn't do anything. I didn't try with regular creatine so I wouldn't know. Creapure is supposed to be a good line.
  3. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    I tried creatine once. It was monohydrate, and well every time I took it, it messed wiht my stomach. As far as my supplementation goes, its protein and NO explode.

    I guess I'll go first ;)
    5'10'', 180-85lbs
    Bench: 110lbs (220) dumbbells x 6-8 reps
    Squat: 305 x 5 (I know, I suck.)
  4. PhoTuGo

    PhoTuGo Jedi Nuba

    I'm in track!

    Long Jump: 20' 9"
    Tripple Jump 42' 7"

    Those were from Jr. year

    5'6" (good day) / 145 lbs
    Bench: 160lbs
    Squat: 300 lbs
  5. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Hey 68stang that's not bad.How long have you been lifting? I've been working out for about 19 months.
    I'm very strong in the upper chest and back area and I wished I had bigger biceps lol. Just take Protein & vitamins.

    Bench 315lb's
    Military press 225lb's
    Squat 315lb's (I neglected my legs in the beginning)

    I'm 5'11
  6. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Bench-250lb(weak point, long arms)
    Shrugs-350ish(haven't done it flat bar in a while)
    Squats- I'd rather not say. Def not over 300 LOL. Maybe has something to do with my legs.
    My triceps and shoulders are by far my strong points.
  7. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Hey Reflect me you can tell by my military (shoulder press) I also shrug 450lbs. My workout partner jokingly asks if I want to go out in the parking lot and lift the cars.LOL. I love working out.
  8. cupcakez

    cupcakez Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    :( i'm so out of the game lately and i just canceled my membership b/c of time issues. guess i'll just break out my home gym.
  9. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    SSTG, I've been going at it a few years (3-5). I was 140ish when I started. I'm about where I want to be at this point, just playing a little catch up with legs. They seem to get strong, but just won't grow. I can leg press 720 for about 8 reps, and that's typically after I squat, and then two or three sets of leg press prior. As far as bi's go, I can single arm curl 50s for a rep or two, and with the 100lbs cambered bar I can push out 8 or so reps. Shrugs, I use dumbbells (I loves me some dumbbells), I can get a full range of motion out of 90s, maybe 100s, but workout mostly with the 80s to increase the rep range. I guess I could post a pic, but I don't want to be "that guy", lol.
  10. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Ya I hear ya.I'm not posting pics:gasp: I can dumbell curl 50lbs clean for about 8-10 reps straight bar 110lbs 8-10 reps. I work my arms out twice a week and still can't get any significant size out of it?
  11. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    I hit every group once a week. It's something like:
    Monday: Chest
    Tuesday: Back/Bi
    Wednesday: Traps/Shoulders/Tri
    Thursday: Legs
    *Abs are tossed in randomly
    *Fri-Sun is off, or cardio

    I usually hit it pretty hard when I go in, so I give everything about a week to recover. Here recently I've been dropping the weight and going higher reps on some movements.
  12. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    triceps. that makes up more muscle mass in your arms than biceps.

    Work your triceps to gain size in your arms!

    Of course, I don't practice what I preach. I rarely work out. But I do lots of work around the house, and play with the kid quite a bit, so that keeps me healthy.

    I'd like to detail myself, so to speak, and work on my physique. I just don't have the time.

    Oh, my height is 5' 11'' and my natural diet/exercise keeps me between 160 - 162 pounds.
  13. Scott's Mobile Detailing

    Scott's Mobile Detailing Welcome to Detailing

    i used to use creatine now im all natural..

    im 5'11''

    weight 150

    max bench around 230lbs

    just had acl surgery a year ago so getting back to doing legs

    incline curl...(favorite for biceps) with dunbells .. 60 lbs 3 sets or 8
  14. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Mon-chest & tri's,20min cardio
    Tue-back & bi's,20min cardio
    Wed -Legs,20min cardio
    Thurs-shoulders,traps, stomach 20min cardio
    Fri-Bi's,upper chest basicly whatever is lacking.

    You take a week off huh?
  15. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    No, it's just a week until the next time that muscle is hit. So say I do chest on Monday, well its not directly hit again until the following monday.
  16. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    That's funny. Ya I know triceps are two thirds of you upper arm and I have nice tri's I just want bigger bi's.:thumb:
  17. musc

    musc Jedi Nuba

    Been awhile since I lifted but just starting to get back into it as of the first of the year. I competed in powerlifting up until about August 2003 at which time I tore a pec :( After that I just lost the desire, and my career was taking off, so I just quit altogether.

    Previous lifts were
    Squat: 705 in competition, 771 in gym
    Bench: 535 in competition, 615 in gym
    Deadlift: 749 in comp, 771 in gym

    Height 6'0" 275-290 at the time. 100% drug free. Never supplemented, just ate a lot of meat, lol. Now just looking to lift to get back in shape doing some lifting and cardio. I guess as we get older our goals change a lot. Still mananged to bench 275x8 after not touching a weight in about 4 years.
  18. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley.:worship2:
  19. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    Can we call you Tiny? ;)
  20. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Just stopped swimming year round for the first time in at least 8 years or so.

    50 Yard Freestyle: 21.63

    I have a decent sized body, just seriously getting into lifting now that I'm in college and just stopped swimming. Been lifting for 3 weeks, I'm doing:

    Bench: 185x4
    Squat: 205x6 (I know, I'll work on it)
    Calf press: 300 lbs x 8-12, 3-4 sets. The one thing I'm happy about, I can put up a lot of weight easy on it, but my calves are real small. They are definitely growing though.

    Taking creatine and whey protein, and of course the weekendly college diet :drinking2: :drinking2: :drinking2: and I can already see my self slowly growing. I can't wait till I'm putting up numbers like you guys. I take pride in using pretty strict form as I'm sure you guys do too.

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