Am I Onto Something?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by agpatel, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    So yesterday evening I had nothing really to do as my only class of the day was canceled so I thought I would do some more practice with the rotary.

    So I got all my stuff out and started working with some M105 and M205 as I wanted to get this combo down and was using Uber Yellow and Uber Green pads (great btw!). I was decide to eat and dropped some crunchy peanut butter on the panel and thought hmmm...well this has peanuts in it and i know that they will break down and then at a certain point they will stay as a fine powder. Kind of like a diminishing abrasive that turns into a non diminishing abrasive.

    Well, I had to try it out so I put a new Uber Green pad on the rotary, spread it at around 1100, then worked the crunchy peanut butter in at around 1300 and finishing it up back at 1100. I will say that lubrication was greatand had no dusting at all. To take the residue off all I did was take a PLASTIC (please use plastic so you dont mar the paint) knife and took the peanut butter like resadue off the panel and put it on a cracker to eat, yummm!

    After doing this I will say it is a great polish and everyone should go out there and try some crunchy peanut butter as a polish! It will be the only stuff I use from now on! :worship2:


    Check the date.... :giggle:
    (Post written on APRIL 1)

    Sorry guys, but had to do it...
  2. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    :lol: nice one!
  3. dschia

    dschia Jedi Nuba

  4. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    hmm I wonder where you got the peanut butter idea from?
  5. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    But I bet your plastics were SUPER CLEAN and free of any wax!
  6. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    new invention of peanut polish? any brand recommended wkakaka .... :p
  7. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Ankeet, what are your thoughts on using jelly for jeweling?
  8. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    i find that jeweling with jelly works pretty good, just make sure you use white bread to wipe the residue as its softer than wheat (which i reserve for non paint work uses)
  9. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    peter pan...everyone knows its relabeled Jiff
  10. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    I thought you were on drugs for a sec.
  11. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Man I was excited I thought someone else besides me has done this..... ah well guess I'm still the only one. I do like to use Jam not Jelly to wipe off the residue from the PB.
  12. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    haha, well I was joking with someone last week about this and when you brought up peanut butter in the sealant film thread it reminded me of it again.

    Most any chunky brand works, extra chunky does seem to leave some holograms.

    I have not tried jeweling yet as I found the peanut butter to finish down really well. :lol:

    Hmmm...I will try out Jam and Jelly and do a 50/50 on that tonight at around snack time haha.
  13. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    lol Hopefully no one only reads the first part then runs out to their car!

    Funny stuff there :D
  14. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    My mom got me good with a fool's joke this morning, I woke up to go to work and she told me my car had been egged and I about dropped dead....I'll get her back.
  15. edwinbong

    edwinbong DB Forum Supporter

    how bout using some bread instead of plastic knife?
  16. richy

    richy Guest

    I love it Ankeet...very funny.b
  17. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I hope not! :yikes:

    though it would be interesting to see what would happen LOL

    OUCH, that is no laughing manner right there!

    You could use bread, some nice warm bread will soak up the peanut butter and put some olive oil on it and it will be even better!
  18. scottBT

    scottBT Birth of a Detailer

    I was actually getting drawn in by this and thought wtf!
    nice april fool dude lol.
  19. john1970

    john1970 Virgin Detailer

  20. TLMitchell

    TLMitchell Birth of a Detailer

    Time to turn an accident into a career move. Refine and copyright your PB method, call it the Ankeet Method. Write a paper that morphs into a yearlong study full of diagrams to include how peanut butter is made from seed-planting to opening the lid with either hand (different techniques ya know!) as well as properly priming your peanut butter pad. Keep the anticipation high by occasionally dribbling bits of information out on the different methods of applying peanut butter to different materials using a variety of applicators. Quit school, peddle the book and sit back and watch the loot roll in. Once it catches on you can license it to AG and Max can put his own label on it and Mike Phillips can push it on the new Ankeet Network... all PB Polishing, All the Time. Sponsor an annual "Peanut Butterfest" to promote proper PB polishing techiniques. Once the money starts piling up around your ears you can sit around the pool drinking foo-foo drinks with umbrellas in them while you watch KB, Nick Chapman, Todd Helme and Barry Theal polish your fleet of exotics and debate smooth vs crunchy while you wear a mask to protect your identity and critique their use of different PB brands. You could import a sandal-wearing, cigar smoker from Canada to specialize in taping off trim. Might wanna also import Dave KG to do comprehensive comparisons of the different brands of peanut butter on identically prepared vehicles just because you will be able to afford it. Better yet, just buy Great Britain and turn him loose. Probably ought to include Bob Willis to specialize in your Ferrari collection and keep people from stacking boxes on any upper storage areas you have on top of your palatial 30-bay garage-office. Swissvax will probably offer you a fancy jar and label for your own line of Polishing Butter. Crystal Crunch might be a name worth considering. Price it at $10,000 per ounce to maintain exclusivity. Phil would probably be happy to give you a boost by putting an Uber label on the stuff and selling it for 15% off and free shipping. Meguiar's will want to license this and sell it under their own labeling but nobody will be able to buy it until two years after it's announced. :D

    TL <--- I gotta read fewer detailing Forums!

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