Just picked up my new black explorer from the dealer. Finally washed it up real nice at home (ONR), and noticed some adhesive residue near the gas tank. Not sure if there was a sticker over the tank during shipping or if from the plastic wrapping. I also noticed some residue on my rims as well, again I assume this is from the shipping plastic. I'm new to detailing, so I was wondering what product and approach to use. I've read everything from rubbing alcohol, 3M Adhesive Remover, Goo Gone to a tar remover like PoorBoys's Bug Squash. Comments, suggestions? Would some clay help in this situation? Thanks!!
I would try 3M Adhesive in a small spot first to test. Once you find its ok, this is what Id use. Make sure you wash the areas after your done. Post some pics of the interior, I really like the new Explorers. Good luck with it. Make sure your careful washing it. Black is so hard to maintain if your not careful.
:thumb:Agree w/ the 3M, also make sure you are using a super-clean microfiber, turning it frequently. Don't want to mar up that pretty new black paint.:thumb: