Just a quick note to let those who are looking for a tire dressing to give Adams a shot. Do it. The product looks very nice. My "go to" dressing used to be Griot's. But at $100 a gal it was too expensive. After I had 16oz spill from the oh-so-easy-crack 32oz plastic bottles, I tried some OTC - Meguiars Endurance. OK, but way too greasy. Adams outperformed them all. Was easier to put on. Looked better longer. No sling. The product exceeded my expectations.
What look does it give? Have you given Opti-Bond or White Pearl a try yet? If not I would highly suggest it.
VRT has been my go to dressing for years now. I like it. Nice matte finish (you can "double coat for more shine), doesn't attract dust, and doesn't sling.
I just tried VRT the other day. I love it. It gives a very natural non-greasy look. It darkens the rubber and gives it a matte black appearance. Glad I got it! edit: Just took a pic to show its effect