Adam's is in!

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by SON1C, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. SON1C

    SON1C Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Just received my first adam's order, I'm impressed so far, great customer service so far, the bottles are of high quality, the sprayers are great, the normal sprayer even has grip on the end for superb control, removed the applicator from the wax container, amazed at small it was and how it came back to life lol, products smell great, Americana is probably the hardest lsp I've encountered, granted I need to work with it to get a better feel but just from initial impressions.. Will update later with some more pictures, and then next week I should be able to get some hands on time with adam's!
  2. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    nice order.

    i like the APC but too bad you can't dilute it.

    for sure you bought from them directly as i see the candy mints...haha :)
  3. blongo804

    blongo804 DB Forum Supporter

    Good luck with those products! All awesome stuff. I love the Glaze more than anything I think! :D
  4. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    never disappointed with adams...........
  5. Holden

    Holden DB Forum Supporter

    Adam's APC and detail spray is the shit! You'll find yourself buying gallons of those after finishing those bottles. I did. I love that bubblegum smell coming from adams detail spray.
  6. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    I dilute it all the time.
  7. InsanePaint

    InsanePaint Pro Detailer

    Thanks for the biz homie!! :) Don't hesitate to ask with any questions! I'm laying a BG & Americana combo on a car this weekend....... :)
  8. SON1C

    SON1C Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I've heard some use it 1:1 in the engine bay, but I'm not well versed with their products
    lol ;)
    thanks! I've only heard great things of it, looking forward to using it
    what do you have by them and use?
  9. SON1C

    SON1C Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    thats what it seems and everyone says! looking forward to giving them a whirl
    I hope not.. lol I'm overly spent out! between my other products, it does smell awesome
    what dilutions for what uses?
    post some pictures of your finished product :)

  10. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    I really love Adam's Detail Spray, APC, and Shampoo. The shampoo is super slick and sudsy and the quick detailer is fantastic as a drying aid.
  11. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    post up a review of Americana, its one of the under dogs on this forum. Ive never used it but it is a product I would be intrested in trying. I loved the BG, dylan send me some a year ago to test out, works great on top or under a Nuba. It really does a great job in making it pop, and filling in some of the minor imperfections from daily driving.
  12. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    If its really dirty leave it full strength or I just do 50/50. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to dilute Adam's APC people do it all the time.
  13. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    I didn't dilute it since there was no mention of it on the label and no ratios suggested either

    I guess I should have asked in the first place or searched for it

    Hehe, live and learn for me. :)
  14. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    Karl if you're looking for it before the review gets put up, This gentleman has the mini available for the Americana

    Very good guy to deal with, i can vouch for him.

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