-AD- Acura TL Type-S

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by TimAD, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. TimAD

    TimAD Jedi Nuba

    With the purchase of my new personal vehicle of course comes the Detailathon shortly thereafter. I think i had possession of the vehicle for about 24 hours before i put almost 12 hours total of work back into it. For a 4 year old car the paint was in excellent condition. With it being of course a silver metallic, to the untrained eye many would say it was in perfect condition. Thankfully under the right lighting, there were SOME defects for me to remove. Mostly light swirls, marring and some holograms. :applause2:

    It took me a while at first to get the defects to show up on my Point and Shoot camera. Under natural sunlight, Fluorescent and LED the metallic flakes overpowered the light contrast and just ended up whitening everything out. After a few attempts i was able to get some before condition shots captured to my liking.

    Started on the car about about 10AM and finished at about 8:30PM that evening with almost no breaks in between except for some water or a protein bar.




    Car was beading up VERY well so whatever dealer prepared sealant/wax was in need of stripping.


    So brewed up a strong mix of straight Dawn and CG Citrus and continued with the wash process. All in all in took 3 full wash/rinses in order to strip all the protection.




    After everything was cleaned to my standards the car was given a last rinse before being pulled inside. Iron Cut was applied to the entire body of the car. To be honest this is the first time i have used Aquartz Iron Cut and i've gotta say i'm pretty impressed with the stuff. Not only does it show you that it's working but... It even works! Cut's out about 80-95% of the contaminants which mostly need a clay bar to be removed. But it's CRUCIAL to still come by after applying Iron Cut and clay bar the entire vehicle.




    Look like the Kool-Aid man stopped by my garage.


    As you can see there are still contaminants that it leaves behind which need to be removed before any further work is done to the paint.


    After Iron Cut was applied i pulled the car back out to get rinsed off once more than fully dried.

    A big thanks goes out to Phil at Detailers Domain for making the best drying towels in the world. You make my job much easier! :applause:


    Car was then given a thorough claying. :headbang:


    I make sure to open any trunk or overhangs so i can get all the way to the edge of the paint seam and remove as many contaminants as i possibly can.


    Tarminator was used on a few small TAR spots on the lower rocker panels and behind the rear wheels. Careful because a big wiff of this stuff WILL get you pretty lightheaded.


    Two full IPA wipedowns were performed then everything was taped and prepared for polishing.

    Inside the garage with the lights out and only the LED and Halogens on i was finally able to capture the defects on my camera.

    Here’s what i had to work with.





    Some Holograms


    Black B Pillars were pretty hacked up as they are SUPER soft paint, but thankfully they were a dream to correct out.



    Rear deck had a heavy concentration of RIDS.


    Some 50/50’s of the rear deck.



    Rear Deck Finished



    The rest of the vehicle was in a very similar condition as the rear deck. With lots of RIDS and some wet sanding marks from previous stone chip repairs. Rest of the vehicle was corrected out in the same fashion as the rear deck.



    You can already tell the difference in Clarity from just the compounding step by using the overhead fluorescent lighting. :thumb:


    How to prime a MF pad.

    Step One: Apply product in such fashion


    Step Two: Polish

    Step Three:...


    Black B Pillars coming out good.






    Final shots showing the clarity and gloss of the paint now. These were taken after a final wipe down was performed to remove any dust from the polishing steps. There was no LSP on the car in these pics.






    LSP was applied and then checked to see if everything was setup using the Wolverine Swipe Method. (W.S.M.)


    Door jams sealed as well.


    Tire dressing was applied and left to sit for 15 min before being buffed on with an applicator pad.


    Now onto the final shots. It was rapidly becoming more like night time as i finished up the car so i hurried to get as many after pictures as possible.

















  2. scheerspeed

    scheerspeed DB Forum Supporter

    Looks good!
  3. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Excellent work man! Your write-ups are getting really good.

    This is 97-SC300 from Club Lexus by the way!
  4. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    Nice work on silver, catching defects for me is such a PITA
  5. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    very nice car man, i love that gen TL, especially the type S

    clean set-up in the garage as well with all the shelves and hanging bars...i wish i had a double car garage...good thing i'm skinny, give me more room in my single car garage...ahha

    good turn around with the paint
  6. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    TimAD -

    Beautiful, detailed, perfect work on your TL. bet that baby blinds you in the sun, right ?
    Perfect correction and noted no swirls, etc., just straight, flat, perfect reflections - looks awesome !

    What was your LSP ?

    Had a new TL with a 6-speed in 2005 - very nice car, they only improved it in the years after - congratulations on your beautiful ride !

    Dan F
  7. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Do you live in Mission Viejo?

    Nice work.
  8. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    lovely work!
  9. v|nsan|ty

    v|nsan|ty Obsessive Detailer

    Excellent work! I have a KBP TL-S myself and it's an awesome car to drive. Drinks a bit too much gas though haha.
  10. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    Nice ride, and good job on the detail!
  11. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    awesome work!!!
  12. TimAD

    TimAD Jedi Nuba

    Thank you everyone for the kind words!

    Everything turned out great.

    LSP of choice was two coats of Menzerna Powerlock.
  13. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    is that the meguiars' microfiber pad and D300 polish?
  14. TimAD

    TimAD Jedi Nuba

    Yes it is! One of my favorite products hands down. Has a very aggressive cutting action to it yet it is able to finish down on some clearcoats to almost LSP ready stages.

    Thank you everyone for the compliments! I'm glad you took the time to read through.
  15. Grey Ghost

    Grey Ghost Jedi Nuba

    Very nice work!

    Question, what is this "Wolverine Swipe Method" ?
  16. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Great job
  17. TimAD

    TimAD Jedi Nuba


    The "Wolverine Swipe Method" is a way of checking if an LSP is ready to be removed or not... With Style ;).

    If it doesn't smear when you run your finger across the paint then it's ready to be removed.

    Thank you sir!
  18. Marc08EX

    Marc08EX Jedi Nuba

    Great job and nice ride!
  19. TimAD

    TimAD Jedi Nuba

    Thank you Marc!
  20. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Nice work and nice ride.

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