About my recent posts, please read

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by dsms, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    This is for everyone at DB who has asked questions about or is curious about my recent posts in the show and shine section.

    In no way do I feel that I am better than or superior to anybody here, it seems a few people have gotten the notion I feel this way. For those of you who know me well you know this is not the case.

    I have put up dozens of write-ups citing every single product and application I use for a long time. It takes me several hours to put up a single writeup because of the step by step pics and process I explain.... If I was trying to hide something or not share information with those who could benefit than I would never put up those kinds of write-ups.

    Regarding my most recent thread on a black 911 I had a very specific reason for not posting my process used on the car, as I explained to several people privately who later came to understand my position.

    On another forum, not even detailing related actually I posted my work and another detailer felt the need to start bashing my threads (mind you threads with all my process, rpm speeds etc) I then come to find that very same detailer revised his process and copied product for product my process, I really dont care if someone uses what I use but I do have a problem when such a person is trying to ruin my business and the business of a close friend and fellow detailer.

    So for now I made the choice to stop letting people in on my processes and application and let those select people who feel the need to berate me figure out what to use for themselves.

    This is not my permanent stand on write-ups, I will eventually get back to citing what it is I use but for now I feel I reserve the right to omit certain things and thus not help those who try to put me down publicly and in a place where I conduct business, which is another forum.

    I really enjoy DB as a site and think the quality of people is top notch, I do whatever I can to help others if I can and put up product reviews when I try something new that I like.

    For now im asking you all to respect my choice to omit certain things from my details.

  2. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    It's all good Dave, completely understandable. If I was in your position I would be feeling the same and probably taking the same action. We all enjoy your posts and learn a great deal from them.
  3. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    sorry to hear this, Dave. I've seen some members on other forums doing this, they pretty much wanna take the credit for all your hard work.
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    That sucks Dave. You do some top-notch work. I hope all ends well for you and your friend.
  5. wagonproject

    wagonproject Jedi Nuba

    Sorry to hear man. I always love reading your posts as you take the time to go through everything and give your thoughts. Your always in-depth on your processes and include all the pics to go with it. Hope you get back to posting everything in the near future.
  6. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    i can vouch for dave being an excellent person to answer questions and share his knowledge. he was one of the first people i contacted here on DB and helped me get started on what I do. he was more than happy to help me and i feel he is justified in what he does.

    So Dave, i say send this guy a case of Hatorade and tell him to chug.
  7. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    I understand your feelings Dave but why put up Click and Brags or Show and Shines if you don't elaborate on your process and products. I can look at high value cars in any automobile magazine or brochure. However, it is good to know what products work on what type of paints and different vehicles. I always look to see what pads a person is using and with what product in case I have to detail that type of car someday.

    I have always admired your work and looked forward to your writeups. I am sorry you are having issues but to put up cars without your products or process makes no sense to me.
  8. RustyBumper

    RustyBumper Jedi Nuba

    I'm sorry to hear that someone was bashing you and trying to ruin your and your friend's business. You are certainly within all your rights to choose to not post your process. I hope that things get better for the both of you.
  9. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Love your write up Dave, and mainly love the pics, :) , sucks that someone is trying to use the info you post against you to try to bash you and then turn around and take business away from you and your friend. You have every right to post as much or as little as you like and find no fault in that, at the end of the day you have to making a living and anything you post will still be a great help to people.
  10. dadswrld

    dadswrld Birth of a Detailer

    Hey Dave, it will be a sad site not to have your work posted, but I fully understand, and YES, you do have the right to what you want to share.

    You and a lot of others here have not been selfish on sharing your works with the rest of us, and I for one appreciate that.

    Do what you must to protect your work. The only thing I ask is, to continue doing your write ups, but don't post them, this way if I need to see something new from you, I'll PM you and you can send it to me personally :thumb:

    We'll be here looking out for the next write up!

  11. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    Hmm seems I missed what exactly is going on, but any idiot can see it is clear that you do excellent work. Period.
  12. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Its a shame that you have to resort to omitting helpful info .Due a few bad seeds. I understand and hope you will get back to what you were doing.As it was very appreciated that you shared that info.
  13. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    I totally understand, it is too bad though that we are not getting the full write up. I really enjoy the details of your work because I learn a lot from it, but like I said, I understand.
  14. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    As long as you can show me some tricks at the meet, I'm all for it!
  15. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I still believe the skills lie in the hands of the person doing the work, not the product... but I respect your decision and admire your work.
  16. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    +1. Well said.
  17. froboy272

    froboy272 Obsessive Detailer

    oh man. sorry to hear about your troubles. i look forward to seeing one of your writeups every time i log in. always really great cars with really great results. Best of luck to you.
  18. Jayplay

    Jayplay DB Pro Supporter

    Dave, all i got to say is keep your chin up and keep doing what you are doing fella - turning out good work:thumb:

    There is always going to be haters or whatever you want to call them. Dont let them drag you down
  19. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    all i can say is i always enjoy daves writeups. in fact last night . i went through. some of his older posts . all i can say is there great ...
  20. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Thank you for all the support and compliments, please understand the goal of this post was in no way modeled to gain sympathy from anyone, trust me im not saddened nor depressed about people who dont like me! I simply wanted to explain why my last writeup was structured the way it was so there is no confusion, that is all. :thumb:

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