Well worth reading - Constructive feed back- by Mike Phillips A tip on giving constructive feedback... - Auto Geek Online Auto Detailing Forum Negative feedback, this kind of criticism doesn't help, but only creates bad feelings vs, Constructive criticism, something most of us welcome as it helps us improve
Do you think there is a lot of negative feedback? I am wondering what prompted Mike to post that ......:whistle: I see the point that people have to agree to disagree and there can be a gray area.
When you offer advice there are always people who will have no other input other than negative comments to make, which doesn't help the learning process. A lot of work goes into the research as well as personal experience / knowledge to provide an answer that will help a forum contributor solve his/her detailing problem, and when you get this kind of comment you begin to wonder if it’s all worthwhile I will admit one perhaps two people came to mind when I read this post