My camera has been having some problems lately so no pictures, excuse the insolence, but I would like to comment on a few products I recently picked up. CG H7 Hybrid detailer: Great product for use as a quick detailer. It is not a good drying aid at ALL. The product dries insanely fast, faster than any QD I've ever used. It seems to work excellently with the yellow CG elite towels (with the black edge), as all other towels tend to make it smear. It seems to be a useful product to get that "extra shine", but protection, from what I can see, as a spray sealant, is lacking. A friend of mine has a 2008 Passat with 0 protection on it, we gave him a wash and a coat of this H7, I saw him earlier today --about a week since the coat-- and it seems like almost all the protection is gone. Verdict: I do recommend the product as a QD, it removes water spots very very well, as well as dries insatiably fast. I do NOT recommend the product for use as a true "spray sealant" or a drying aid, I recommend Prima Hydro for that capacity Majestic Solutions Ultra Gloss Easily the BEST shampoo I have ever used. The dilution is a bit high, the bottle suggests 4-8 oz per 5 gal, but I've found that 2.5 oz works excellently in 4 gal of water. The product smells nice, and suds very much, the suds seem to be thin too, which I like. I've used 3 wash media with the shampoo and I can attest that the Uber Sponges from DD tend to work the best. I also recommend the product for use with a bug scrubber, works well. The product cleans as well as CG glossworks, Maxi suds, 3M car soap, and Adam's and provides a deeper, glossier shine once rinsed. The product seems to sheet off easier than any other shampoos as well. For use in the foam gun I still use my Adam's car soap, as MS UG is not recommended for use in the foam gun. It's a cheap shampoo, and I'm kinda bummed I only bought a 32 oz container. Very soon I will be going for that gallon. ONR Where has this product been all my life? Completely necessary, everyone should have it. CG All Clean APC I've been using Adam's APC for my entirety of detailing career and loved it. Well this is the same thing, but concentrated. Fantastic 10:1 on interiors, great 3:1 for exterior use. Cheap, effective, I highly recommend it. 303 Aerospace Perfect for my seats in my Mercedes, they're plastic or "MB Tex". The production is dark, matte, love the finish it leaves, completely dry, almost no smell. 1Z Einzett Cockpit Great product for light cleaning, I highly highly recommend it, it works very well on dashboards and upper parts of doors, seems to clean just as well as All Clean 10:1 but leaves a superior finish Adam's Carpet Cleaner Highly recommended product as well, simple to use, cheap, effective, always leaves my carpets looking nice CG Shaggy Fur Ball towels Thankfully I only bought 3 on sale, don't like these towels at all, they tend to lint, are way too light, I will pick up some Eurow Shags soon to replace these. Don't recommend the towels at all. I hope all these notes can provide assistance to anyone on the fence about these products. Feel free to PM if anyone would like more info. Thanks -Tony :thumb:
Thanks for the reviews, Tony. Have you tried the CG Sasquatch towels? I want to buy a few of those but they are pricey, even in packs of 4!
Thanks for the review! I also have a benz. What do you use to clean the dash / plastic area's ? My dash is a grainy type of plastic ... tough surface to work on ...
I have not, I've heard they're good, but I've heard more/better reviews on the eurow shags. 1Z Cockpit works perfectly. :thumb:
I really like CG stuff, especially since they are cost effective and i get it in two days......... I have the detailer as well, just have not used it. the Caranuba Detailer is awesome, i use it on my personal car...... no streaking wipes on and wipes off very clean.
These towels are horrible. Mine linted like crazy, even after washing them a few times before using them. These things are just too big to be useful for anything. CG has some really nice towels, but these two (imho) are pretty useless. :sorry: