A Crazy day... I have tested the SV Crystal Rock

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Sébastien Jacquet, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Sébastien Jacquet

    Sébastien Jacquet Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Today I was done the most crazyest car of my life (ok I'm 22 years old :giggle:)

    Two pics, I will send you more in the night (from France).

    Bugatti Royale (cost roughly 10 Bugatti Veyrons, 6 cars made in the world)

    The wax I have use :

    See you later. ;)
  2. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    show the auto graph that it came with of paul dalton..
  3. ChristR

    ChristR Birth of a Detailer

    Looks like a good time! More pics, you big tease! :p
  4. Sébastien Jacquet

    Sébastien Jacquet Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Swissvax France invited myself to come with us at a "Concours d'Elégance", they recieve the waxes (or gone to Fällanden) and they dont have any autograph :shead:
    (we have three waxes without any autograph... strange... are you sure you have an autograph with the "basic" container?)

    More pics :




    To be honest, I dont think it's a copy, when you see it, you can understand that there is many carnauba, you have the impression to see a Divine.

    My apologies if I'm wrong, I trust in Swissvax France (I'm a future Swissvax pro Detailer and I'm not here to sell or to catch some avantages, I just want to share my experiences).

    The car :


    I will be on the event tomorrow, I will not be connected before monday.

    [Message for Paul Dalton :
    If there is something wrong, you can ask Roberto Mercuri for my phone number (I'm Sébastien Jacquet in France)]
  5. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    How many of the 6 cars made are still alive?
  6. Sébastien Jacquet

    Sébastien Jacquet Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I'm not sure but I think there were seven cars made but Ettore Bugatti had an accident with one, it was destroyed. So normaly there is just six cars in the world. :shrug: :meditation:
  7. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    "cost roughly 10 Bugatti Veyrons" Wow! I would still take a veyron over a royale any time. More pics guys.
  8. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    i heard its supposed to come with a sighed autograph from paul..
  9. Sébastien Jacquet

    Sébastien Jacquet Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Yes, when I heard that, I was dont believe it!

    Pics are coming ;)

    (and yes, the wax is very very good!)
  10. Sébastien Jacquet

    Sébastien Jacquet Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Thanks for the info trhland, I know SV France for 1 year and for me they are "clear", they are friends to me, I will be very surprised if there is something wrong... but I'm waiting for news.
  11. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    for me i like all the goodies. expecially if its costing that much . im suppised they didnt go with more of a fancy tub. o well. its the wax thats most important....
  12. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Where are the videos of you spraying the entire vehicle down with a power washer to show the beading of the vehicle???
  13. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    wow looks great!
  14. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

    Bugatti Royal-

    In 1991, Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino's Pizza, sold his Royale (ch no. 41150) for US$8,000,000, which was actually less than the £5.7 million (US$8.4 million) he purchased it for in 1986.
  15. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    where can i get one of those shirts
  16. Sébastien Jacquet

    Sébastien Jacquet Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    You couldn't have shirts in US?
    In France you can have black or white.

    So, some pics again but not all because I must go back to the event in 10 minutes. Today, I will begin with a Delage, but not with the same wax. :applause2:

    Some pics when the car arrived :


    A very nice car!


    First we have remove the dust on the car, it was in "ok" condition, some swirls but not a "sanding paint" and the surface was slick (the best is to pass a clay but we cant use it :( ). The owner doesn't want to polish the car for the moment. The treatment will be Quick finish to remove dust, Cleaner Fluid pre-wax treatment and finally one coat of Crystal Rock.
    The car is HUGE! (6 meters = 20 feets)


    Ok so I'm in late, see you again tonight :applause2:
  17. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Cool! Thanks for the pics. Just wondering what is so special about this car that makes it so much more expensive than the butt kicking Veyron?
  18. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    man gota love the royals...made for the royal family but never made it, make it to private collections.
    no two are the same.. i had the pleasere of seeing of the other ones last year at meadow brook. They are stunning cars to say the least

    great job on the car
  19. buja

    buja Jedi Nuba

    my god...22 yrs old and you're balding already!

    j/k :)
  20. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Hi All,

    Yes it will be coming with a signed certificate, and the ones who already have the wax, I am sure Swissvax will be sending you all a certificate very soon! :)

    Kind Regards

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