997 Black Porsche Turbo Exterior Detail/Correction

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by mharris2007, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. mharris2007

    mharris2007 Two Bucket System Washer

    I detailed/corrected my buddie's 997 2007 turbo yesterday, and thought I'd post some pics.

    On most of the car I think we achieved 90-95% correction, but on the rear bumper which was the most hammered maybe about 70-80%. We didn't feel like chasing it so just left it alone. My friend manned the PCXP as well, first time polishing, and did a great job.

    His interior was in great shape, as he keeps it very cleaned and conditioned, so we tended to the exterior, trunk and engine. The trunk/engine/wheel/tire pics are on his camera. I'll add them to the post when he sends them to me.

    Things turned out pretty well for a hobby detailer I think.

    CG CWC 2oz/gal Two BM
    OPC 3:1 spritzed to paint then washed with CG CWC 2oz/gal.
    Uber Yellow Sponge
    WW Drying Towels
    Meguiards Clay with ONR Clay Lube

    Wheels/Wheel Wells:
    Mini EZ Detail Brush
    OPC 3:1 for fender wells and tires
    Dayton Full Size Brush for the barrels
    CG CWC
    Tires Dressed with Adam's super VRT
    Wheels waxed with Collinite 845

    Inspection with Brinkman dual xenon
    Paint thickness varied from 99-230 microns depending on area of the car measured
    Flex 3401 speed 5-6 with uber green and Menz 203 Power Finish for majority of correction. Some areas I had to hit twice.
    Flex 3401 speed 5-6 with uber blue and Menz 85rd.
    PCXP with 4" uber green Menz 203 on bumpers, c pillar, and other tight areas
    PCXP with yellow cutting pad and M105 for severely swirled/rid'd area on deck lid
    PCXP with 4" uber blue and Menz 85rd
    50/50 IPA Wipe Down
    Menzerna Power Lock via Flex 3401 (because he didn't have a wrench to change the BP on the PCXP) speed 2.5 with Black uber pad

    Engine and Trunk were pretty clean:
    ONR QD to clean up dust and water spots.
    Adam's super VRT and In n Out Spray

    Heavily Swirled with some RIDS




    After 203 only:

    AFter 203:


    After 85RD:

    After 85RD:



    Power Lock Setting up:


    Afters. The sun was setting so no direct sun shots, sorry. Some overhead light shots though.












    My buffing pads resting:

    Thanks for checking looking.

  2. stingray23

    stingray23 Jedi Nuba

    excellent job
  3. premshine09

    premshine09 Jedi Nuba

    Very nice!
  4. mharris2007

    mharris2007 Two Bucket System Washer

    Thanks so much. I'm not a photographer by any stretch. I'll add more pics when I get them. Thanks for looking.
  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Great results! Pics look fantastic.
  6. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

    Nice work!
  7. mharris2007

    mharris2007 Two Bucket System Washer

    Ken!! This was largely thanks to you!!! Thanks so much for your help and advice. You were spot on with the paint being easy to work with. My buddy has some nice foliage on his property that made for some nice reflection shots. We were going to top it with victoria's red wax like you suggested but we ran out of steam. He's going to wax it in a week or so. Thanks again.
  8. detaildoc

    detaildoc DB Forum Supporter

    Amazing work dude. That paint looks awesome.
  9. mharris2007

    mharris2007 Two Bucket System Washer

    Hey Luis. Long time no see, hope you're staying cool out in the IE! Thanks for the kind words. Hope you're well.
  10. SilverGTV8

    SilverGTV8 Jedi Nuba

    Very nice car looks great! I loved the 2008 Carrera 4S I did a few weeks ago in the same color. Minimal orange peel and looked amazing after 203 and super slick after 85!
  11. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    Very nice afters
  12. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Looks great nicely done
  13. mharris2007

    mharris2007 Two Bucket System Washer

    Thank you! I did actually notice a fair amount of orange peel. Mostly on the bumpers, you can see it in one of the pictures. I think I saw your article. It's amazing bow much work 203, the flex, and a green uber pad can do. My buddy was super stoked!
  14. mharris2007

    mharris2007 Two Bucket System Washer

    Thanks so much. I wish I was a better photographer. My wife actually is taking up photography, so I'll put her to work once she gets the hang of it :)

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