$99 PC 7424XP @ Autogeek

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Reflect, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Autogeek is continuing their Cyber Monday sale into Cyber Tuesday and they're offering 4 more heavily discounted items, including a 7424XP @ $99 with 2day shipping.

    Cyber Tuesday Savings!
  2. epic32

    epic32 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    damn thats a great deal!
  3. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    they got the wolfgang fuzion wax for 100 bucks and it comes with free refill...

    so technically 50 bucks for each 8oz pot.

    they also have the pinnacle signature wax for 30 bucks.

    but i think the AG wax for 20 bucks at wally mart is cheaper. i don't know if it's better or not.
  4. Dannyk

    Dannyk Jedi Nuba

    May have to jump on the PC 7424xp.
  5. t3stman

    t3stman Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  6. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Thats a great price for it.

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