How do you do those tiny little slits by the windsheild wash squirter things? Geez, that must be a PITA. On a normal, lightly swirled car I just leave those things alone, maybe come back if I have extra time on my hands. That's the thing I hate about oxidation, shows every little area you miss. And it stains your pads ha.
Who are you, the New Nu-Finish Rep :giggle: Can you say Mutiple Pad Usage....Urrrrh Maxi-Pad :giggle: :help: > :chips: > :duh: > :shakehead:
No good deed goes unpunished, let us HOPE this person does not let the car go back to the previous condition, or you could have left the car in the 50/50 condition as what better advertisement would that be? awesome work Ken.