I ordered a PC and a full set of 6.5 inch Lake Country pads. I didn't know much about polishing when I ordered them. Will I be OK with big pads or should I order some smaller ones?
There is nothing wrong with 6.5inch pads but on the PC they don't really do so well on the rotary they work just fine. I personaly prefer the smaller pads 5.5 inches and lower. I remember using the Lake Country pads on the PC way back and they did okay but it just takes time when using the PC...but since you ordered them why not just give them a go and see how they feel. Just my :2cents:
i agree, and while you are at it get a few 4 inch pads (probably orange), they might come in handy for any particular stubborn corrections you might need to do.
Thank you everyone! I decided to go with 5" and 3.5" backing plates and a set of 5.5" pads and yellow and flat orange 4" pads.