Well there aren't enough good words to help describe the kind of service I got from this company... actually it's a lady I met at my friends wedding. I heard graphic design and it caught my attentions as I was wanting to change my brochures up anyway. After a brief phone call we started the process. I was expecting couple hundred dollars, cause that's what I've paid in the past, but when she quoted me $64.95 I was SOLD. Also having a template to work with already made it alot easier. I wrote several emails describing what I wanted and she went beyond my expectations. What's so good is I told her that some of you guys on here were asking about pricing and I talked about using my layout. Well this is a copy of the response I got from her: Actually that would be awesome, if others wanted to use yours as a template. That would save me time. I guess I didn't realize how many detailing businesses were out there. I don't know if it would be fair for you to have paid more than everyone else that comes after. I guess just say $60, of course that will include a CD as well with all the files in case they want to change it in the future. Any small changes that are needed in the future (price, bullets) I will do free of charge and e-mail the changed file. So if this something your really interested in... email Elizabeth @ esenn@3strandsgraphics.com Just mention that you got the info from me and she'll hook you up. All that I ask is that you use your own pictures and logo... other than that I don't care. Thanks
Wow...Thanks for hooking everyone up! I haven't been around as much as usual, so I'm not sure I saw the final revision. I will search for your brochure thread and take a peek. Thanks again D2G for sharing with all of us!!!:applause::worship2::applause2::thumb: Dave
Brochure work is great and great price for it, as well she also did some work on my logo, looks a lot better