231,000 mile Tacoma correction detail by Immaculate Reflections

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by GoFast908Z, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. GoFast908Z

    GoFast908Z DB Pro Supporter

    Miguel is a new Marine and was going to be stationed on the other side of the country, in an area that he would need a capable truck. So he picked up this Tacoma and brought it to me to get it looking a bit better before heading out. The truck looked very good for 231,000 miles so after the correction was done I set him up with all the washing media he would need to maintain it properly. While not a full correction, a solid 90%+ correction was achieved in 16 hours. Its fun to work on cars once in a while that don't normally get this kind of attention.

    Thank you for your service Miguel and stay safe! :usa:


    Festool LED Syslite showing the swirls








    Swirls on the door


    Left side corrected, right side still to be done





    Fender under the halogen lights





    Area behind rear tires





    Opposing side








    Side of the bed looking glossy again


    Passenger side door





    Defects on the hood




    The bug deflector had seen better days


    After just one round of compounding it was much improved. A little sandblasted from many thousands of miles of driving, but looking considerably better.


    After all compounding, polishing, rewashing, and sealing with Blackfire Wet Diamond the truck looked great. Here are the final pictures.





















    Scratches on bumper were all the way through the paint and could not be fixed without repainting.



    Thanks for checking it out!
  2. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    That thing looks amazing for having over 230K miles. Nice job.
  3. BigDreZ28

    BigDreZ28 Jedi Nuba

    Awesome work
  4. maxepr1

    maxepr1 Jedi Nuba

    Crisp and clean! Looks like it has 231 miles on it now. Nice work Jeff!
  5. brk4euros

    brk4euros DB Pro Supporter

    Great work! Considering Toyota is known for their scary thin paint jobs... you did a wonderful job.
  6. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    great job! amazing results!

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