2014 Jeep SRT8

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by PPADsCustomWork, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. PPADsCustomWork

    PPADsCustomWork Virgin Detailer

    Customer contacted me telling me that he wanted something just to protect the Jeep. Booked him in for a Wash, Clay Bar and Sealant. I used Black Light Sealant on this. These pictures don't give enough justice on this paint. Also many parts were oversprayed from Plasti-Dip which is now I common use on many cars.

    Everything was stripped down and my clay bar picked up a ton of contamination towards the lower part of the car, which is was I predicted. Vehicle only had 3k miles.

    I couldn't take many pictures since I had to do another car right after. Here are a few pictures.

    Next to the Family vehicle. (The Rover will be up next in a 1 step paint correction coming soon)
    Pre-Tire Shine
  2. PPADsCustomWork

    PPADsCustomWork Virgin Detailer

    These were taken from my iPhone. Not the greatest like I said.
  3. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Just saying, you should experiment and do a 1 step polish after you clay and before you put an LSP on. 100%, you will get a much better finish.

    Good job otherwise.
  4. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    Looks great.

    Little word of advice though ... I strongly suggest removing or blurring the license plates whenever you document your work.

    Where in VA are you located?
  5. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    +1. CG black light is a great AIO, but offers very little protection, it needs to be topped with a true sealant or nuba. Collonite 845 would have been a great choice.


    Love the new 14 SRT8's, the new 8sp AT has made a big difference in driveability and performance.
  6. kyle butler

    kyle butler Birth of a Detailer

    thats a great looking SUV. I think once im in the market for one i'll be testing this sucker out. Nice job
  7. PPADsCustomWork

    PPADsCustomWork Virgin Detailer

    Thanks guy. I appreciate the input, but this was what the customer wanted. Hes going to bring it in late Sept.
  8. PPADsCustomWork

    PPADsCustomWork Virgin Detailer

    In located in Fairfax,Va.
  9. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    It doesn't matter. The "proper" way is to polish. Even if you have to do it for free.

    Same as if someone came to you and said I want a wash and wax, no clay. You clay anyway.

    Makes sense?

    You are the pro, don't let the customer dictate what you are an expert at.

  10. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Somewhat agree with you on this, but no pay no clay! I will use a good cleaner wax on a customer that doesn't want clay, like DG501. Cleans, shines and protects very well, in one easy step with very good protection.

    I always explain the proper and right way but sometimes the customer has a certain budget or just doesn't want to pay for the extra service. I will even do a demonstration for them. Keep in mind this is a side business for me.
  11. RZJZA80

    RZJZA80 Two Bucket System Washer

    I agree, explain the process, and if they just don't want it or can't afford it, you don't do it. I would never want someone to do something to my car I specifically asked them not to do, they don't know my reasons and shouldn't try to guess either. DG501 or 105 are both excellent choices to seal and clean up some oxidation at the same time.
  12. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    I am sure we don't charge the same, but still - unless of course you don't want to be different from the "herd" (I don't mean you)

    Do the detail properly, and your business will improve.

    Claying should not be an "extra" service anymore than car soap.

    Anyway, I am not here to force anyone to do a better job - but today I am making $750.00
  13. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    I bet you love to disagree with me.

    1 - Nobody said to do something the customer asked SPECIFICALLY TO NOT DO.


    You don't do this for a living, what would you know?

    Your mentality = all the hacks in Oregon, keeps me very busy.

  14. PPADsCustomWork

    PPADsCustomWork Virgin Detailer

    I appreciate the info guys. The next time this customer comes back, we are doing a 1 step paint correction. And please stop the bashing on this thread :)
  15. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    I hear you Lima Charlie but, for me claying a car takes time and time is money. I only detail on the weekends and 2-3 cars a month. For customers that are selling, trading-in, have a lease return or are leasing they don't want to pay the extra few bucks for clay. If it takes me 45-60 mins to clay an Expedition I want to be compensated for it. That's 45-60 mins I am taking away from my family on the weekends. I mostly do daily drivers with a few nice muscle cars and high end vehicles here and there. I can't handle anymore work then I already have.

    I recently did a 10 Camaro SS that I went all out on http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/show-shine/37248-2009-black-camaro-ss-md.html Gave it the works, but the customer wanted it and was willing to pay.

    I make 600 a day, with twenty yr retirement, pension, 401k, full benefits, take home car, iPhone and a ton of other goodies, toys and gadgets ;-)

    Lets not hijack this thread, although I think we already have.
  16. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Don't ya think this is a bit harsh?
  17. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    tdekany ... keep it civilized. It's always good to offer constructive criticism, but you don't have to be harsh to get your point across.
  18. cnut

    cnut DB Forum Supporter

    +1 ^^^^^
  19. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    If you read my reply to you, I specifically said I didn't mean you - I meant in general.

    AND my initial comment was to the OP who I assume is a pro? If I am mistaken, I take all of it back.

    See, I thought people who are active on these forums kind of follow a different path in the detailing world. At least I would hope so! Now if you are not a pro like yourself, and cutting corners is ok in your book I can see where you are coming from. Although I still don't understand your reasoning for it. Time? CHARGE MORE - Time away from the family? Why do it? You don't have to detail, do spend it with them.

    However, if you do this for a living, your livelihood does depend on it and you sure want to build on a reputation that creates referrals for you instead of getting lumped in with all the other hacks.


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