2014 Dodge Charger - Paint Correction & Opti-Coat Pro by Mr. Sparkle Detailing Long Island, NY - Dea

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Mr. Sparkle, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Mr. Sparkle

    Mr. Sparkle DB Pro Supporter

    New client came to me with his nearly brand new 2014 Dodge Charger. Still with temporary tags in place, the dealership had 'detailed' the car for him and well, you know the story.

    Possibly one of the worst hack jobs I've seen. They spared the trim (usually also part of the destruction) but the paint was just a mess. Rotary buffer trails everywhere, swirl marks, and overall just lack of gloss.

    2 step correction with D300 followed by Menzerna Power Finish









    Vehicle was then protected with Opti-Coat Pro





    There are no buffer trails in this dojo

    Mr. Sparkle Detailing.com

    Instagram @MrSparkleDetailing
    Masertpiece Auto App. likes this.
  2. JordanL

    JordanL Virgin Detailer

    Great work! Nice shop as well!!!
  3. mikek82890

    mikek82890 New Member

    dealer installed swirls...always an awesome option :p :p :p
  4. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

    Great job! That Charger just looks mean.
  5. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    Great turnaround!!
  6. statusautodetailing

    statusautodetailing Virgin Detailer

    Man those holograms were bad. Nice job!
  7. kyle butler

    kyle butler Birth of a Detailer

    whew, that was nasty. great rescue!

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