Just completed yesterday (1-4-2013) rare Melbourne Red new car detail, the vehicle is a few months old and went through the heavy storms here in Norcal recently so it was dirty. Upon closer inspection there were some deep scratches in a few places, but overall in good shape and after correction of the defects the car is now "As new" with protection to last until the spring appointment. As it came in. Scratched black trim all M3's have until corrected(Due to soft paint). Dirty interior. Rocker panels were marred pretty good. Deep marring corrected. Something brushed up against the drivers rear quarter. Defect removed. Fingernail scratches. After cutting step. Another deep scratch to attend to, this shows even "New cars" can have issues. All finished, time spent 9.0 hours. Paint and black trim now clear and glossy. Direct sun pic of corrected/polished trim. Possibly the most attractive OE wheel................Competition package wheel(Although heavyness, BBS replacement would be better..............). Carbon fiber roof looking nice. Ready for pick up.
Fantastic work, as always. Also, thanks for putting in how long it took. I think a lot of people would be surprised how much work a new car can really need, and in some extreme cases a "new" car can take every bit as long to correct as an older vehicle.