2013 Journey Opti Guarded

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by richy, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. richy

    richy Guest

    This gentleman had done his homework and had discovered Opti Guard/Coat online and had then found my website by searching for installers in his area. He called me a few months ago after he had just ordered this new 2013 Journey. I could tell he was very excited to receive his car and I certainly wanted to make it look its best and give it the best protection possible to boot.

    I quoted him 8 hours to wash, decontaminate and a one step polish followed by a paint cleaning and then OG to the paint, wheels and glass. I ended up spending 9 hours and also dressed the trim and tires. They were very pleased, but I'm getting ahead of the story.

    Here it is as it arrived. Like our Canadian winter so far??? Gotta love the Banana belt of Canada!!







    There were a couple of small marks, but nothing serious at all. He had given strict instructions to the dealer not to wash it. Luckily, they complied.



    First up was the wheels. There was a very tight clearance between the caliper and the barrel. Perfect fit for the Raceglaze XL brush! The wheels, barrels and wells were cleaned with Zep Citrus. The tires were cleaned with Zep 505 cut a bit (maybe 25%).

    The car was then foamed with a strong mix of DG 901 and Zep Citrus. That was followed up with IX decontamination gel on a grout sponge. That was then followed by a regular wash of DG 901.


    The vehicle was then brought inside wet to clay with Carpro Elastofoam. It was then dried off. The paint was in good condition and I wanted something strong enough to make the metallic jump a bit more and to give it a wetter look. I first tried Opt HP with a white B & S pad. It was OK. I tried M205 with the same pad next to it. Better. Not a lot, but enough. M205 it was. That was followed by DG Squeaky Clean on a black B & S pad, both used with the Flex.

    The glass got coated with Opt glass coating. (I'm almost out!) The paint, wheels, front grille and tail pipes and head and tail lights were all coated with OG.
    The trim was dressed with WETS. The tires were shot with Opti Bond via spray gun.
    The paint was then wiped down with UWW.

    It was raining out so any outside shots were out of the question. Here are inside shots of it:
















    Thanks for looking. Comments appreciated.

  2. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Wow, absolutely perfect, Richy !

    Even new, this color never looked this great!

    Stunning, perfect, clarity and gloss !

    You had to pick this poor lad off the floor when he fainted, eh? :)

    Thanks for sharing this with us.
    Dan F
  3. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Beautiful finish Richy. Love that colour.
  4. Meticulous-Detail

    Meticulous-Detail DB Forum Supporter

  5. richy

    richy Guest

    Dan, thank you very much! He was very happy with it for sure. He had even requested that I give him a bunch of my cards. Nothing makes me happier than seeing that kind of reaction.

    Thanks Ken. Lovely metallic in it. His will stand out now for sure!

    Thank you very much!
  6. jw06

    jw06 Virgin Detailer

    Nicely done! I never knew that colour can be so pretty.

    Btw, where did you get the squeaky clean?
  7. Koniyoto

    Koniyoto Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Good detail and nice pictures!
  8. InsanePaint

    InsanePaint Pro Detailer

    Amazing! Always good to see a new car owner that understand the importance of KEEPING it correct......right from the start! SERIOUS gloss bro!
  9. richy

    richy Guest

    Thank you very much! The SC is a beta product from Duragloss that I've been in charge of doing the testing on. It has been run on L2D, but I have been asked by Jerry to do some more during the winter, so I'm going to be looking for some testers down South or chaps with a heated garage that can do some testing. This product was designed on my request for use prior to coatings to ensure a "Squeaky Clean" surface so that the coatings bond perfectly. So far the feedback has been excellent. DG is never one to rush into launching a new product without lots of testing, so it's not available for purchase yet. I will be doing a new thread here as well as L2D when it comes time to round up some new testers. Keep tuned.

    Thanks. Although I think you can tell which ones were shot with a tripod and which ones weren't.

    True! An educated consumer is your best friend! I've sent him a bunch of links to ONR, mf's and a Raceglaze XL brush.

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