A local forum member contacted me after seeing some threads of mine and requested to have his wife's brand new Accord corrected. First off I have to say Honda has come a LONG way....quality and luxury on this fully loaded V6 were impressive and rivaled much more expensive vehicles. Originally the car looked jet black, but after some polishing gloss showed it was a faint metallic black, just a hint of it but it was there. The paint had been "messed with" at the dealership and there were numerous issues to resolve. Client wanted to give the best result possible to his wife, so it was booked for a full correction. Because of a very packed schedule, I had Drew and Ryan both out to help me on this one. Outside of their own work schedules they made time to come out and help me knock this out in the limited time we had, so much thanks to them for that and their hard work. Condition upon arrival Swirls, waterspots, and more swirls Process on the wheels After spraying the Sonax Full Effect wheel cleaner The result of a little dwell time with the Sonax All clean Someone had "buffed" the car at the dealership and did not know how to do the job correctly (big surprise). The paint was dull and lifeless with numerous areas where pad marks could be seen. This one was VERY evident..... Deep scratches on the trunk....took several passes with M101 to remove. This paint did not like the rotary, so it had to be surbuf pad and M101. With the defects removed, clarity would be restored with several polishing steps Numerous deep scratches on the hood.... After compounding on the hood, a few deep scratches remained and this one was very deep. Several careful compounding passes would remove it. Thankfully the paint was thick enough. All gone Rear quarter with partial compounding A closer look at the swirls on the "new" car. Quarter ready for polishing to restore gloss Issues to be sorted out on the door Sorted B-pillars swirled and spotted. This soft paint fought correction at every step but finally yielded results. Final polishing still to be carried out Trunk threshold had a lot of defects Corrected Scuff along the A-pillar Corrected Ryan brought the Duck Dynasty beard to help with the polishing After many hours of compounding on soft and sticky paint followed by several hours of careful polishing, it was ready for some sun shots. One more step of fine polishing would be carried out to provide more gloss and clarity (85RD) Drew and the owner chatting while I snap final pics... Serious business is serious Finished pics after 85RD and Collinite 845 Trunk lid looking gloss and defect free Thanks for looking!
Hot damn that looks good. Honda was trying really hard to gain some market share back with this Accord update.
Wow! Awesome work, that paint was hammered for being so new, great job brining it back from the brink.
Nice work. I have to disagree that its a good looking car. Hondas desingers need a good kick in the junkbox.
Great work. How was the paint on this one? Typical Honda soft? I am ordering one of these today because the ones at the dealership where already touched by their detailing dept. Straight from the truck to my hands ...
Thanks everyone! GDAL, thanks. Paint was very much on the soft side, and sticky too. Which shows how deep those RIDS were, to require Surbuf/101 to remove. But even PO203 on LC Tangerine pad left faint marring.
nice save... it's a damn shame what they do to new cars at the dealership. thank God we have professional detailers. :worship2:
The orange peel looks pretty bad to me for Honda. Their paint is usually very smooth. I see SO SO many Honda's on the road with cloudy clear coat flaking off that I am starting to feel scared to compound Honda paint. I know the paint gauge readings should be my guide but their paint does not seem to be durable to begin with at full thickness never mind after hitting it with a couple of passes with something like M105/M101/M303/FG4000. They must not put as much UV blockers/absorbers in their paint as other companies.