2012 Audi A7

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by richy, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. richy

    richy Guest

    I was looking very forward to getting my hands on this good looking beast! It was booked for a one step and Opti Guard. I also convinced him to let me pull the wheels and coat them inside and out, which is absolutely the right way to go with something that creates as much dust as this car does! It took me exactly 12 hours to do the whole thing. Follow me on the journey...

    As it arrived:








    When it arrived, it had a bird bomb on the hood. Even though I was doing the wheels first, that got power washed off right away. Turns out, it had already been on there too long as you'll see in a bit:


    Up first was letting IronX do its thing on the face of the wheel:


    So, the next order of business was to jack it up at the appropriate place and remove the wheel:


    Once the wheel was off, it was time to concentrate on the barrels and inside spokes (even though they will never get seen, they were done too). You can see how dirty they were:



    The wheel wells and calipers were also in need of attention:



    Here's IronX doing its thing on the inside of the wheel. The wheel also got Tarminator to remove tar after IX and then washed down after that:


    The caliper was also treated to IX and then treated with Zep purple after that. I did not get to this disc fast enough with the Master Blaster. The other ones weren't allowed to develop any rust and were blown off immediately. The wells were cleaned with Zep Citrus and then the fabric well covering was then dressed with aerosol foaming tire spray.




    Here's a barrel after being treated to Opti Guard:


    Here's the wheel back on the car:



    OK, remember that bird bomb you saw earlier? WTF was that bird eating, b/c it ate into the paint pretty damned fast. It had not been on there too long I don't believe.


    Hard to capture, but there were some light finger nail scratches behind the driver's door handle:


    I first tried a yellow B & S with M105 and my Dyna, but big bird just laughed at that! So, I broke out my Tuff buff black wool with M105 and my Dyna...bye, bye birdie!!! These 2 shots are after that and then followed up by Menz 500 and a yellow B & S with my Megs DA.



    The whole car got a one step with Menz 4500 and a yellow B & S with my Megs DA. Ken uses this combo a lot and I wanted to try it out. The results speak for themselves I think. Great combo. The yellow still cuts through the swirls (they were there but hard to photograph) and yet still finished down very well.
    After that step, the car got washed off with ONR. That was followed up by ERASER surface preparation.
    I used my favourite method for applying OG, namely the suede mf and pad method. I then would lightly buff the surface where there were high spots after about a minute. I applied OG to:
    grille (and wheels too obviously).

    After basking in its new-found glow, I treated the paint to one final step: Permanon Platinum via spray gun. This added just a bit of "pop" to the paint and most importantly, made it very slick to the touch. (My only gripe with OG). The following shots are prior to being treated with Permanon and are just of OG.

    Unfortunately it was a rainy, overcast day. Still, it looked good even considering there was zero sun present. Here are the

  2. cptzippy

    cptzippy Jedi Nuba

    Beautiful car. Here's another example of why non-edible birds should be outlawed!
  3. richy

    richy Guest

    Thanks and I completely agree on the birds!!
  4. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    Outstanding work bud!! Did you use 4500 or 2500? I'm assuming the clear was hard based on tools you used to clean that bird bomb. Great work nonetheless!!
  5. Kaban

    Kaban Welcome to Detailing

    Excellent work. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Pureshine

    Pureshine DB Pro Supporter

    Wow great job car looks great.
  7. richy

    richy Guest

    Gianni, I got the Menzerna from Ken. I couldn't remember the bloody number, so I looked on his site and didn't see it listed there either. Of course I was too f'ng lazy to walk down 3 flights of stairs to go look at the bottle, so I guessed it was 4500. It's actually 500. It's a nice polish, no doubt!! My apologies to Ken for referencing the wrong polish. I will correct it in the thread.
    And, thanks!!

    My pleasure. Thanks for taking the time to read it and respond!

    Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback.
  8. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Nice work sir!
  9. richy

    richy Guest

    Thanks Roger! It feels good to be back here..I've been away for a while. I'm really excited about the one I'm doing this weekend: 1990 Camaro Z28, red, original owner, approx 42K original miles! Paint needs work, but it's coming out great!

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