2010 Mustang Detail

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by bairdwc, May 21, 2011.

  1. bairdwc

    bairdwc Guest

    One of my colleagues and I made plans for a Saturday morning detail of his black 2010 Mustang. He takes good care of the car so there wasn't a lot to do as far as correction goes. It took both of us three hours to detail the outside. We didn't touch the inside.

    I wish the sun was out because the detail exceeded all expectations. The photos don't do justice and I have to mention Ioncoat Naviwax is extremely easy to use and produces stunning results.

    Tools used:
    Foam Cannon
    Porter Cable 7424
    Lake County Orange Pad

    Dupont Wash
    Mother's claybar system
    Meguiar's Ultimate Polish
    Mother's Back to Black
    Meguiar's Tire Gel
    Sparkle Glass Cleaner
    Ioncoat Naviwax Dark

    Attached Files:

  2. astro_ng

    astro_ng Jedi Nuba

    You only used an orange pad?

    How is the ultimate polish? What would you compare the cut quality to?
  3. bairdwc

    bairdwc Guest

    I think the cut quality is superior to 3M which is what I normally use. Seems like it's a lot less work.
  4. bairdwc

    bairdwc Guest

    I still can't get over that Naviwax. It's really good stuff and not expensive. I have a lot of waxes, all the names mentioned in the forum except Swissvas and it has depth of clarity unrivaled.

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