Background info I am a service advisor for a Nissan dealer full time. I have a customer that has a 350z that was having a clutch problem after getting frustrated that the problem was not fixed he decided to trade in the 350 for a 2010 370, Jan 2011. We had one grey one on the lot he wanted. Looks it over and there are scratches on the hood from the lot boy taking the term "scrape" the snow to literal. Well my GM asked me if I could remove the scratches I told him I will try. Next day I bring my detailing supplies to work. Removed the scratches but also noticed others on the hood so I spent almost 3 hours on the hood making it as perfect as I could. He comes in next day was blown away and purchases the vehicle, shakes my hand and asks how much I charge to do the rest of the car, he then was even more excited because my price is lower the the local detail shop that he has been taking his 350. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago I get a call from the customer asking when I could detail the car. We set up for today. He met me at work (my GM allows me to detail using one of our detail bays), I started 8am and finished about 1. He wanted just a one step, spot compound and a good sealant. Well I got to work and realized no camera so I took only after pictures with my cell. Process Wash: Washed using pressure washer, sheepskin mitt and first place finish car soap, dried with Meguairs water magnets Wheels and tires: Cleaned with first place finish APC and wheel brushes, pressure washed, dried with old bath towels, wheels coated with Optimum Opti Seal, tires dressed with first place finish water based dressing, let set for 20 minutes and buffed, wheel wells cleaned and dressed same as tires\\ Paint: Hood (done previous) was clayed with Clay Magic blue, compounded with Meguiars M105 LC wool pad and rotary. Followed with Griots DA M105 Lake Country Orange 5.5" pad before I buffed off I switched to a white LC pad and M105 and wow the finish was fantastic. Then I used Prima Amigo with GG DA with LC black 5.5" pad and LSP was Bilt Hamber Finis wax (I love this stuff) Today rest of the car was clayed using Dodo Juice clay with Born Slippery as Lube (both are fantastic). Spot compounded scratches with GG DA Orange LC pad with M105. I tried Menzerna Power Finish with a White LC pad and it worked well but cut needed to be more so I moved to an Orange pad and wow the cut was what I was looking for and finished great. I used it speed 3 2-3 passes, speed 6 2-3 passes, then speed 3 final few passes. Followed with Duragloss 501 and Black LC pad and buffed off after 40 minutes with Opti Seal on the entire car. Windows cleaned with Zep Pro cleaner Interior vacuumed, wiped down with Danase Nu Look After pictures
Thanks guy. Yes my GM is great a big reason I'm still there. He is also goin to let me detail his prized 69 Camaro
Thanks Christian. This gray paint was fine to work with nothing like the red one I did. The red was a pain every towel would leave fine scratches.
It's a good thing you used Megs 105/205, platinum graphite paint seems to HATE Menzerna. The red and magnetic black paint on the 370z is crazy soft, the B pillar plastic covers drive me up the wall as well!
I used Menz 203 it worked fine, for the black b pillars I used prima amigo and opt opti seal. Have not tried a black one yet to be honest I don't think we sold a black one I know there are none on our lot.