2009 Subaru Impreza WRX

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by michakaveli, May 15, 2011.

  1. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Customer had contacted me to correct his "World Rally Blue pearl" WRX. The car was in excellent shape. He is a a true auto enthusiast, and it showed! Car showed evidence is typical wash induced marring. I was hoping that the swirls would have come out in the photos a little better, but nonetheless, it came out very nicely. It was fun dealing with the sporadic opening of the heavens. Afterward a layer of Blackfire Wet Diamond sealed in the freshness.

    On to the pix....

    Washed with Chemical Guy's Citrus Wash & Clear.

    Trying to capture the swirling and water spotting on the driver-side door below the window.

    Capturing the swirls clearly visible on the hood. This was all over the finish that was going to be corrected.

    Taped up and ready for action!

    A great shot of the swirling that was captured on the trunk lid.

    Sporadic opening of the heavens. Almost looks like this picture is on it's way to some HDR treatment.

    AFTER Photos:
    Paint corrected and sealed with Blackfire Wet Diamond.




    The rear window has some really strong water spotting. It cleaned up well!



    Thanks for looking!
  2. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    That blue is a great looking color. Awesome work Chris. What was the process on this one?
  3. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks Sal!

    M205 via orange/tangerine pad. I also used the D300 Compound with the MF pad. Spot buffered a few areas and tackled the rear glass with a Surbuf pad and M105.

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