2009 Nissan GT-R

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by cu2mike, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    This car was brought to me and forum member kaisernaut late this afternoon. It was repainted roughly 2 months ago. Needless to say we were pressed for time because we did not get to start until a little after 6pm, and kaisernaut has to get up early for work.
    There are just 2 before pictures, but you guys get the idea, it took us 4 hours to complete this car (This must be some kind of record, right? lol)

    Here are the 2 before shots, the entire car pretty much looked like this:


    Kranzle with autobrite snow foam:






    Some after shots with Kaisernaut's new metal halide lamp:






  2. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    NICE......... are those the new VOLKS?
  3. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    Hell yes, and I forgot to get pictures of the titanium exhaust, lol
  4. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Nice work that is one bad ass GTR! How much did the autobrite snow foam run you? Oh and what polish combo did you guys use to correct the paintwork that quickly, was it via rotary or d/a. I am just curious how you guys got done so quickly.
  5. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    The autobrite snow foam belongs to kaisernaut, I have no idea how much it cost. I can tell you this though, it clings to the car like no other, and it SMELLS LIKE ROTTEN BANANAS, lol.

    Both of us used Griot's 6 inch DA with a combination of uber green and lc black. polish used were Megs D300 (With uber green), and megs d301 (with lc black)
  6. mike aesthetica

    mike aesthetica Jedi Nuba

    Team "No Fluff" - Winning.

    Good job boys, in record time no doubt - looks so good in midnight(ish?) purple!
  7. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    Titek? that is what my buddy has........

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