2009 Audi A3 - Black, by @m4gician This car was a car I did last summer. But after a Canadian winter, it needed a little TLC that a touchless wash cannot give in a quickie . This is the second of three cars I did today (3 in 1 day, rough:doh. There was still a fair amount of contaminants in the paint that the clay removed, and cleaned up the wheels, paint, and interior. Great car, even better looking afterwards. It was mid day when we started this car and unfortunately, my assistant did not snap the before pictures, so all we have is after shots. So i'll post those in hopes you know that all that was on the car was a dull black colour with dried rain water! Washed with PW, DP XF, Wheels & tires cleaned and degreased with Autoglym, Zep Citrus, and Ez Brush Clayed with Riccardo Blue Clay Polished with XMT360 Waxed with DP Max Wax 303 Aerospace on interior, Pinnacle leather conditioner on leather After: Thanks for looking!
Thanks guys. Means a lot coming from the both of you! As per your advice I adjusted the pics and blurred out the plates.