Hello, I posted awhile back and now I have pics to help show you my problem. I am looking for a product to help clear up the haziness on the white paint of my 2008 Tacoma. It is worse where the paint was not covered by those white plastic sheets that new cars have when shipped, so basically along the edge of the hood, fenders, and roof (the middle picture shows this the best). I do not have an orbital buffer and I think I may need to get one in order to correct this paint. My friend also says that the paint is single stage. Should I be afraid to use products like Meguiars M105/M205 on it with an orbital polisher? I have tried Klasse AIO and Klasse paint sealant but think I may need something better. Any suggestions on how to correct this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Matt
I kno cetain portions of the truck are single stage like the wheel flares but i own a silver one but i think it was the 2000 whites were single stage meg205/105 work great on it just make sure to have several pads or to clean them well frequently
Toyota still used white single stage paint even on these trucks. I have seen it on 2 white land cruisers and I believe a couple other guys have as well. You should not be afraid to polish it assuming is factory thickness, it will respond basically the same.
If you only have a Random Orbital, I assume, perhaps the most aggressive method would be to try the new Meguiars Microfiber pads, they have cutting and polishing microfiber pads and special compounds all engineered to work together best, including backing plates. You will always benefit a PC by using a smaller diameter pad, which will rotate easier, so perhaps the 5" or 5.5" vs the bigger 6" would be a good move too.. And of course, it goes without saying that a Rotary (which is all I ever use for correction), would take that hazing right off quickly. And if the paint is indeed Single Stage, just have a few pads available for each stage and/or be ready to keep them clean if they start removing a lot of paint material and you will be fine. Good luck with your research! Dan F
I had a white 2006 tacoma for 5 years and it did the same thing. Honestly I used mess 105 on it and it was perfectly fine. I don't recall the truck being single stage though, I never had paint transfer on my pads when I polished it. I know the generation before was single stage.