2007 Foam Fire Truck

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Nica, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Now I’ve done a few fire trucks and usually they are large but this one was quite large and very challenging:

    2007 Foam Fire Truck

    Now I don’t know if I’m naming it right, but this fire truck is a bit different compared to all the other ones I’ve done. This fire truck holds water and the water is then mixed with foam, so this fire truck shoots out foam.

    Okay this truck just rocks, her take a look at some of the pictures of the interior:

    Now the first time you open the door this is what greats you a mirror like door, just wicked.


    Now I had to ask about those seats, the seats have no backing so the fire man’s can just climb on with there oxygen tanks strapped on there back. Makes sense could you imagine trying to sit on a regular seat with a tank of oxygen strapped on your back lol.not very comfortable.

    Now those are some nice windows, heck who needs a sun roof with the size of those windows they would let it lots of light.

    Oh man I thought the other fire trucks had buttons this one was worse oh it gets better on the back check out all the controllers it has:

    Now these are buttons :wicked: man so many buttons, levers and not to mention red buttons!!!

    After admiring the size and beauty of this truck here is what I was up against for interior:

    I got started with the interior and gave the interior a quick vacuum:

    Once I was done with the vacuum I got Meg’s APC ready for a wipe down, I diluted it at 10:1 as I didn’t really need it that strong, here is the mixture:

    With the help of my Swissvax brush I was able to clean all the vents:

    Once the wipe down was done here is how the water looked like:
    So much for being new huh

    It was time to dress and protect the interior, for the interior I went with Meg’s #40:

    Well once the interior was taken care off it was on to the rims and here is what I was up against:


    I got my tools ready and ready to go:
    Red bottle P21S Total Auto Wash, Green bottle P21S Wheel Gel, ARO, various brushes and a bucket of hot water mixed with Meg’s Gold Class Shampoo to scrub the tires with.

    Well first the wheel wells:
    Sprayed P21S Total Auto Wash, sorry for the blurry picture

    Then I sprayed P21S Wheel Gell formula

    For the extremely large tire I used ARO, man I love how this stuff works just spray it on and watch it work it’s magic :thumb:

    Then back to the wheel wells and scrubbed them with my long reach brush:

    Then with my Swissvax brush I agitated P21S Wheel Gell:

    With my Meg’s tire brush I gave the tires a good scrub:

    Here is how it all looks when it’s done:

    Now to house it down:

    This process was followed for all the wheel wells, rims and tires. Once all the rims, tires and wheel wells were done to satisfaction it was time for the rest of the vehicle. Now this truck came in with a transportation coating, this transportation coating must be removed between 4 to 5 days and well the day that I detailed the truck it was on it’s 5th day and this stuff was a pain in the but to remove. Here is what I was up against:


    This is the front bumper




    Well this stuff was all over the truck luckily the factory put some kind of product to remove the transport paint protection:

    So got my CR System hooked up:

    Mixed the solution as instructed and went to work, for the wash of this truck I used my black ShMITT. Now this solution that came from the factory, it smelled like P21S Total Auto Wash, it was yellow colour but it worked great, I had to scrub the truck twice to remove all of the coating it came with. Well it took a bit of extra work but it was well worth it.

    I’m very pleased to have my CR System because if I had to worry about water spots wile I worked away at other areas I, well once I was done scrubbing and removing the transportation coating it was time to dry the truck off. Now first I go around the truck blowing off as much water as possible, all thanks to the air compressor at the shop:

    Once I had gone around the truck I gave it a quick wipe down to remove what ever water was left over with my Dehydrator Drying Towel:

    Once the entire truck was dry it was time for me to go back to the tires, now here is how the tires looked before I dressed them:

    I used Optimum Tire Shine for the large tires and here is how they looked after being dressed:

    Now these are huge tires to dress hahaha but they sure looked great after, the bigger they are the better they look :thumb:

    Oh check this one out, it’s one of the back tires:

    The rims are quite nice too:
    Any who, I thought they looked great.

    Well to finish the truck off I applied one coat of Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant all over the truck and on the windows as well. Well with the help of some Tornado Buffing towels and after several hours I removed the Sealant and here are the end results:








    Now this is how the chrome should look.





    Interior looking nice and neat as it should be :thumb:

    Those big windows are finally looking spotless :thumb:


    Well this bad boy took a bit of extra work but it was well worth it because the end result is what it’s all about. Hope you guys enjoyed the detail and as always your feed back is always welcome.
  2. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    Very nice! Good job. I imagine that coating was a B****H
  3. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    great work as always carlos, looks like it would have taken some time.. great job
  4. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Great work as always and I see you follow through on your mantra..."The bigger they are the better they look"!
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you for the compliment, man you have no idea how tough it was to remove that "protection" hahahaha protection from detailers is more like it hahahahaha.

    Well it was just a matter of time, but man I was starving after this truck lol.

    Thanks Calgary, yea it took a bit of extra work but managed to get it done..but I'll remember this truck that's for sure hahaha, I begged Bill to never put this protection again, he cuckled a bit and said okay lol.

    But siriously this truck :spank: me, I prity much spent a full day on this truck..not that I mind becuase this truck was beautifull to crawl all over it hahahahahaha

    Thank you Wolf for the feed back very much appreciated. I try to follow through as much as I can, so far so good :thumb:
  6. ehuth1

    ehuth1 Birth of a Detailer

    :applause: Awesome work !!
  7. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    That truck is just insane...it looks way more fun than the other trucks you've done. So many buttons to play with haha. The interior looks awesome, and those seats are quite interesting. That's really cool how the Canadian flag is on the grill :D
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you, very much appreciated

    Oh yea the buttons, levers, buttons and red buttons and more buttons are just WICKED!!!! :chest:

    Man this truck blew me away though, so many features on it....oh I forgot to take a pictures of the roof...I was literally walking on the roof...solid, solid, solid is all I can say.

    Oh the reason why the controllers are inside the truck is so that the fireman can operate all the features from inside the truck, meaning being away from the elements :confused: that's brilliant if you ask me..who wants to be operating some wicked levers, buttons out in the rain or worse in the snow :cold:...brrrr...just the thought of it makes me cold hahahahaha

    Well I would have to agree with you klumz this truck was much different compared to all the other trucks I've done :thumb:
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh I got one more detail to load up, but I'm waiting for Photobucket to load up...:waiting: :waiting2: :waiting: :waiting2:

    Man sometimes I take too many pictures...:wall:...NOT!!! :cheerl: :cheerl:
  10. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Great work Nica. The truck came out awesome. Did they let you play with the siren and blow the air horn??? :woot:

    BTW...I love the spray bottles for the P21S. Where did you get them? Are they regular garden sprayers???
  11. cwcad

    cwcad Birth of a Detailer

    I am amazed that you could get that truck completed in one day. That alone is impressive.

    Results will out. Nice pictures!! I certainly enjoyed reading through your descriptions with the pictures and process. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. Well usually my friend turns on all the lights and shows me every option the trucks have but this time he wasent around so I didn't get to see the truck with it's lights on :thumbdown: but just from looking at the amount of lights it had this thing would shine quite a bit :headbang:

    Oh the horn are not like they used to be, now they are just like regular vehicles :confused: loud but not that loud :shakehead:

    As for the spray bottles where I keep my P21S products they aren't garden botles, I picked them up at the body shop store that I always go to. The red one is chemical resitant while the other one, the black one is just a regular bottle. I beleave they are manufactured by "PRO" at least that's what it says on the bottle. I've been using them for quite a bit now and they work great, you simply pump them and spray away :beerbang:

    Thank you for the compliment cwcad, well this was a long day, longer then usual but well wroth it :thumb: the truck turned out great, glad you enjoyed it and you didn't get bored of all the pictures and :blahblah: lol
  13. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    i like when you post up your work you never know what you might be see :mounty:
    Nice job Nica!!!
  14. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    The best firetruck you have done ;) Love the looks of it, and the paint is looking good after Wolfgang. Interior is looking brand new, as it should be :D

    Good job again bro!
  15. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you my friend I'm enjoying these large, large toys hahahaha they sure keep me on my toes hahahaha :gidiup:

    Glad you enjoyed it :thumb:
  16. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you pirex, it sure was different compared to the other trucks I've done :headbang: Wolfgang sure fit the bill on this truck :thumb:

    Thank you for the compliment buddy, very much appreciated :hug:
  17. joep

    joep Welcome to Detailing

    Your :welcome2: Bro :elefant:
  18. Divine Detail

    Divine Detail DB Pro Supporter

    Great work, Carlos. Now I see why it kept you so busy, that coating looks like it was a real pain!!!!
  19. reefer_bob

    reefer_bob Obsessive Detailer

    That looks like it'd be fun to detail...

    LOTS of work. :)

    Awesome, great job!

    How much product do you go through to detail on of those large trucks?
  20. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea this bad boy was the one that kept me from meeting up with you guys :thumbdown: but I had to do it that day becuase the next day it was heading out to Red Deer :confused:. Glad you enjoyed it buddy :thumb:

    :nod: oh yea lots of fun, really I'm not joking..first I had to go through the inside touching as much as I was alloud and then it was time to work so first I spent a bit of time lookin, drooling, wanting to press a bunch of buttons and then got to work so that playing time added a bit to it :whistle: I don't mind though it's all part of the experiance, I'm fortunet to get the opportunity to detail such beasts/toys lol.

    As for how much product do I go through, well I could use different products/use bulk products but I don't :shakehead: I love using P21S products I could use other products but the owner wants quality and has been pleased with all the products I use...so far :hippie: To give you an example of how much product I go through though, well I always use P21S Total Auto Wash and well for those 5L containers I do between 5 to 7 fire trucks depending on the size of the trucks...I don't mind though it's all built in the price and customer is more then willing to pay for the quality so it's all good :hippie:

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