2007 Cadillac CTS Heavy Swirl and scratch correction

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by psynx, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. psynx

    psynx Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    heres a pic of the hood


    Driver side Fender


    Allot of clay had to be used

    A 50/50 shot of the hood after compound


    Before pillard

    After Pillard

    Trunk after Rotary Buff w/ wool pad and some good ol 105


    All Done after 10 hours on just exterior phew




  2. Jumbo Jet

    Jumbo Jet Jedi Nuba

    Came out great. A buddy and I just did a 2007 STS-V in black last week, and it was in about the same shape as that one. I can appreciate all that work.
  3. psynx

    psynx Any Rag Vehicle Washer


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