Well I finally get to do the BMW but the sad part is that I only did a wash and wax. The vehicle is actually in descent shape, some parts really need polishing but other parts are quite good. Well here we go. 2007 BMW 328 Xi Exterior Process Wash: I used Zymol Clear Auto Bathe with two bucket method and the white ShMITT. Clay: The vehicle was in okay shape so I used Ricardo clay bar, gave it a quick clay. When I get it (hopefully at the end of the month) I’ll do a better job at claying it, I actually was watching the clock for this one. Polishing: No polishing, but I get to do it a gain hopefully at the end of the month yay…the full package inside, outside, engine and my favorite part correction (polishing) woooohoooo. Prepping for wax: Pinnacle Carnauba Finishing Glaze, applied by hand with a foam applicator and removed by hand with the Cobra Indigo Polishing Cloth. Wax: 1 – Coat of Pinnacle Liquid Souveran applied by hand with a foam applicator and removed by hand with the Cobra Indigo Polishing Cloth. Rims/wheel wells/Tires: For the rims I used P21S gel formula agitated with my Swissol wheel brush. After rims where cleaned I finished them off first with 1 – Coat of Pinnacle Liquid Souveran For the wheel wells I used P21S Total Auto Wash full strength Wheel wheel wells were finished off with Stoner Trim Shine Tires where finished off with Meguiar’s Endurance Tire Protectant Gel Exterior plastic peaces/trim: I used Meguiar’s Gold Class Trim Detailer Glass: Stoners with Cobra Waffle Weave Microfiber Glass Towel Observations/comments: I don’t like having a time restriction. I really don’t know how some individuals that do this as a business do it. I like taking my time, feeling the vehicle out, inspecting every panel and re-inspecting. Well I think I really need to pick up my speed hahahaha. But I prefer to take my time and enjoy every panel, one at a time. Enough chit chat now for pictures: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Some inside reflection: Some outside pictures: Oh this picture below show’s the worse part of the vehicle, it has water spots all over the place, so polishing will be required yay…I mean (trying to be serious) polishing is required. Other then that the vehicle wasn’t in bad shape, I was surprised actually. I surprise my self on the amount of pictures I took, I had a very limited time frame and I actually took lots of pictures hahahaha. What can I say I enjoy pictures.
No, this vehicle was a simple wash and wax. I still haven't had the opportunity to give this vehicle a full detail. But it should be coming up shortly as winter is coming, man it's wicked how many people want to put some protection on there vehicle before winter comes. I've had lots of people at work ask me if I could do there vehicles before the snow starts to fall, so far the month of October is almost full, one more weekend and I'm full...and it's tentative booked, the free weekend that is. sweet!! Calgarydetail - thank you for the feed back buddy, I would have so much fun detailing this vehicle...hopefully soon I will.