2006 Dodge Magnum

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Nica, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    This vehicle belongs to a good friend of mine, I wanted to impress him. The vehicle:

    2006 Dodge Magnum

    My friend and I swapped vehicles and I got a chance to drive this bad boy, it’s got some power behind it. Well on to the detail:

    I started with the interior, and this is what I had waiting for me:

    Like all my other details I firs started by giving the entire interior a good vacuum:



    Once I was satisfied with the vacuum came the wipe down. This time around I used hot water and Meg’s APC. With the help of my Swissol brush this is how the vents, speakers and any hard spot to reach was done:


    Once the interior wipe down was done I used Meg’s #40 for all interior vinyl:



    Leather received Lexol PH cleaner followed up with Lexol Leather Conditioner.

    Here are some before and after of the interior:























    Once the interior was taken care off on to the engine bay, the engine bay was quite clean so I just gave it a quick wash nothing to serious as it was in good condition. I protected the engine bay with Optimum Protection Plus, here are a some before and after:







    Like I said engine bay was quite clean, so no drastic results. Once the engine was done on to the rims. Yes, rims. My friend loaded the winter rims inside the vehicle too.


    So first I went to work on the winter tires/rims:

    The advantage with these rims is that they are off the vehicle and are easy to clean


    First sprayed the entire rim with P21S Wheel Gel

    With the help of my Swissol brush I agitated the P21S

    Then gave the tires a good scrub with my Meg’s brush

    Then rinsed off

    The front of the rims were done the same way

    Once the winter rims where done I moved on to the rims the vehicle is currently wearing, bling, bling rims:




    Nice 22’s, the nice thing about these rims (besides the fact of the size and the appearance that compliments the vehicle) is that there is no way I would have a problem cleaning behind the calipers. Here are the tool I used for the rims, tires and wheel wells:



    Sprayed the new formula I was given to try, I had to as I’m all out of P21S Total Auto Wash (Chris if your reading this that’s a hint)

    Then sprayed P21S Wheel Gel (Chris if you’re reading this I’m all most out of P21S Wheel Gel hint, hint)

    I let the wheel gel sit for a bit and went back and agitated the wheel wells with my long reach brush.

    With the help of my two inch wool brush I agitated the inside of the rims, I didn’t really have to use this brush as I could literally stick my entire hand in side the rims hahahaha.

    With the help of my Swissol brush I agitated the face of the rims.

    Used my Meg’s brush to agitate the very small amount of rubber on the rims hahahaha.

    All done ready to be rinsed off



    All the rims, wheel wells and tires were done this way, once I finished all the rims, wheel wells on to the rest of the vehicle.

    I used the two bucket method with Meg’s Gold Class Shampoo and Zymol sponge…oh and my CR filter system.


    Once the vehicle was washed I moved on to claying the vehicle. I used my red Clay Magic with Pinnacle Clay lube.

    The clay when I was all done

    Gave the vehicle a quick rinse and with the help of my air compressor I dried the vehicle


    Finished drying the vehicle with my Dehydrator towel

    Once the vehicle was all dry I proceeded to taping the vehicle and setting up my test panel and for the 50/50 shots:



    Once the taping was done I inspected the vehicle to see what I was up against:

    I had to use my Brinkman as I forgot to charge my Sun Gun, that’s twice I’ve forgotten now.

    Found some nice deep scratches

    Well now it was time to pick a combo, I’ve done a few Dodge vehicles so I had an idea of the clear coat this vehicle would have so I went with:

    I went with Menzerna 85RD3.02, the famous blue 3M Polishing pad and my Metabo. Now this blue 3M Polishing pad is quite nice, it’s much softer then Meg’s foam pads, the only thing is that it’s an 8inch and I don’t really like foam pads this big but I used it anyways.

    Here are some shot of the pad at work:


    Keep in mind this was just a test to see how well this combo would perform as I had never used the 3M blue pad.

    Here are the 50/50 results of the test panel which, was half the hood:

    Oh as you can see my Sun Gun was now charged and ready to go. As you can see by the results seems like this blue pad and 85RD3.02 are compatible, so I used this combo.

    Here are some more 50/50 shots:
    This is a shot of the driver door and it required two hits to get it just right. This picture is after just one pass, even with one pass you can notice the difference.



    Here is a video as to how I performed the polishing through out the entire vehicle:

    Once the polishing had been done I applied one coat of ClearKote Red Moose by foam applicator and removed with Tornado microfiber towels. I went with Victoria Concourse, applied by hand and removed with more tornado towels. Glass were all cleaned with Stoners Invisible Glass and a Cobra glass microfiber towel. All exterior trims received Black Again.

    End results:

    Tires received Optimum Tire Shine and rims were protected with a nice coat of Jetseal 109.



















    Here is a walk around the vehicle (video):

    Overall the vehicle turned out great the colour on was very eye catching and sure got lots of attention. I parked outside and as vehicles would go by it they would slow down to check out the Magnum. I was quite pleased with the end results oh and I’m pleased with the blue 3M Polishing pad, I just wished there was a 6inch one oh and because the pad is quite soft you have to be careful to not get it snag any sharp edges as it get rip quite easy. Yes it happened to me.

    As always feed back (good or bad) is always appreciated, hope you enjoyed the detail. I know I did and my friend was quite pleased with it.
  2. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    nice work as always carlos.
  3. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    That looks great!

    Edit: woah we use really different rotary techniques! :D I guess to each their own.
  4. 89s1

    89s1 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Holy rims batman!

    Nice work buddy, looks good as usual
  5. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    awesome details like always Carlos :p. Man those bling bling wheels weren't so blingin before, but now they're almost blinding haha. I can't believe how dusty that interior was. The videos were cool to look at too :p
  6. maesal

    maesal Birth of a Detailer

    Great detail Carlos :cool:
    I have the 6" blue finishing pad from 3M, code 50388 and it is really nice.
  7. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you for the feed back buddy, glad you enjoyed it.

    lol yea I've been trying a few things different wile I polish but one thing I've noticed that makes a difference is the speed as to how you polish. On the video I tried to polish fast and then slow down a bit, it's been working for me so far. Oh one thing I picked up from a few guys though, is that you polish a spot by giving it some quick "shaking" motion and then give it one slow pass it works great. The "shaking" motion actually creates more cut, I'm sure this is probably not new to too many of you but I tried it out and it works great.

    Thank you for the feed back, glad you enjoyed it.

    Thanks buddy, yea the rims were quite something. At first I thought they would be nasty to clean but they were actually quite easy...my entire hand could literaly fit inside the rims hahahaha that I had to laugh at oh and dressing the tires was halerious hahahaha hardly any tire to dress :D :D :D

    Lately I've been trying a few things out with the videos, glad you enjoyed it.

    Hey maesal, how you my friend. I knew there was a 6inch pad, I told my friend who I purhcased the pad from there is one but he didn't know the code. Thank you for the code maesal. I'll get a few 6inch pads, I'm quite pleased with them, I just don't like the 8inch pads that much...although I have to admit this vehicle has large flat surface and using an 8inch was quite handy, but not so handy on those tight areas. Well I'll get a few 6inches now though ;)

    So maesal, have done any details lately? Last one I saw from you were quite nice, would love to see some more. Oh does your store have a website? I'd love to see it.
  8. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Very nice Carlos :D Love the way that car looks, so mean!! And the Hemi? I bet it rides good ;) Enjoyed the vids, very nice touch! The car looks great, I love the color!
  9. Divine Detail

    Divine Detail DB Pro Supporter

    Good job as always carlos! It was definatly a big turn around!

    One question, do you do the pedals at all? if not, is there a reason you don't? I usually just spray some APC on them and then scrub them with the brush real quick, but i've noticed a lot of people don't touch them.
  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Glad you enjoyed the detail bro, as for the videos. My wife was with me in the garage and I though what the heck why not make a short video...never done one of me polishing so just thought I'd do it for kicks.

    Thank you for the feed back buddy. I normaly do clean the pedals good but I missed it on this one, don't worry my friend pointed them out too :eek: lol. I normaly do the same thing as you, spray them down and give them a good scrub and it makes a big difference.
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    maesal, I phoned 3M and that code you provided me with dosen't seem to match 3M code. Do you happen to have another cod by any chance? Let me know becuase if I can get my hands on the 6inch that would wicked. Then I'll stop my complaining about the size lol.
  12. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    Haha tires are so low pro it's like they're ridin on blades :p something like that! Yeah it's funny when you have barely any tire to dress, it makes it so easy! Then when you go back to an SUV tire it's like :eek:
  13. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    I have never seen a 3M waffle pad from the ultrafina line in 6" before. I think they have a threaded one from the trizak line, but I could be wrong.
  14. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is some amazing work Nica, love it love it love it!

    Your attention to detail is impeccable, we all appreciate the time you spend taking pics and writing it all up!
  15. richy

    richy Guest

    Carlos..another of your amazing jobs buddy!! Keep up the good work!
  16. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you for the kind words my friend, very much appreciated. The owner was quite pleased with it and customer happy = me satisfied :)

    Glad you like it richy and thank you for the kind words, very much appreciated.
  17. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    WOW! What a transormation! Love that red color!
    Did I miss it? What was your LSP on this vehicle?
  18. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you for the kind words, the SLP was Victoria Concorse. The owner phoned me when he got home and said that on his drive home people kept turning to check his car out as he drove by. He loved all the attention he's been getting :righton:
  19. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    you do some amazing work!!! thanks for taking the time to post all those shots!!! i always look foward to your details keep up the great work!!!! and man you use some top of the line stuff!!!
  20. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Glad you enjoy the detail, I'm trying to improve on my pictures taking skills but slowly I'm getting there. Glad your not getting bored of my details, as they tend to get a bit lengthy.

    Always appreicate the feed back my friend, thank you.

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