2005 Kia Interior/Jeep Hard Top detail

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by HOOVER, Nov 7, 2016.


    HOOVER Member

    Good evening fellow detailers! It has been a while and a quiet stretch, but will try and get caught back up. Kia client came to me thru my wife. A sweet older lady with a van that needed some serious attention. Pictures don't do it justice. Outside had not been washed in a long long time. I was pre-soaking it while doing interior so it would wash up faster. On with the show...





    Still soaking...


    Front seats, dirt being pulled out of fabric into towel..





    I just had to...


    It came a long way!!


    Amazing what a great wash will do!! Client was pleased as punch with results!

    Jeep hard top quick clean up and weatherstrip replacement came thru a referral from a local body shop that my neighbor does business with. I detailed his Dodge truck and he had a couple spots the body shop took care of. I gave him some business cards and it paid off! Small job with huge potential. Client was looking to get mold/dirt removed from inside of hard top.





    Heat gun made for fast and easy removal of old gasket material.


    New gaskets going on. No job too small for detailers!!

    All set and ready for install.


    Detail on people, detail on!!

  2. Sizzle Chest

    Sizzle Chest New Member

    Nice work Hoover!

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