2004 Acura NSX - Paintwork Correction

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Buff and Beyond, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Buff and Beyond

    Buff and Beyond DB Pro Supporter

    Customer came to me with a 2004 Acura NSX. Vehicle wasnt in too bad of shape but paintwork did have its swirls (rougher in some areas) and some marring in areas. Vehicle got a nice wash down and prep work. Got to work on this colored clear with 2 stages of correction, followed with a Zymol HD prep and 2 coats of Vintage Hand Glaze. I dont have any before pictures, was under the gun to get the que cleared out. Enjoy.

    What was done
    - Wash down
    - jambs/tires/arches cleanse with APC/citrus degreaser
    - engine bay prep
    - wheels off cleanse and seal with SV Autobahn
    - paint decon
    - masking
    - Meguiars 105
    - Menzerna Power Finish
    - IPA wipe down
    - Zymol HD Cleanse
    - 2 Layers Zymol Vintage
    - jambs sealed
    - tailpipes
    - tires dressed
    - windows in/out
    - plastics/rubber treated

    Interior Prep
    - shampoo carpets/mats
    - complete leather cleanse/condition
    - interior surfaces cleanse/treated
    - detailed vaccuming


    Wheels off

    Plosh and sealed with SV Autobahn





























    Thanks For Looking
    - Nick
  2. kakeuter

    kakeuter DB Forum Supporter

    Excellent work there, that thing is beyond mint.

  3. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    Nice work! Love the red on the NSX.
  4. ACE2790

    ACE2790 Jedi Nuba

    Great job! I want to bolt those wheels up to my TSX
  5. drew935

    drew935 Auto Salon Works

    Sweet! Another NA2 shiny again :D

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