This past weekend I detailed a car for a friend of mine who had recently bought a used Nissan 300ZX. It wasn't perfect, but for a used car with over 150k miles on it, that's to be expected. And he's at best the third owner of this car that he knows of, maybe more. So I was working with an 18 year old car, definitely driven like it was meant to be, and with normal wear for its age. There were a couple of repainted panels and nearly every panel had some touch up paint on it, all poorly applied. Unfortunately, time constraints meant I had to let those go. The passenger side mirror was completely faded out, so I couldn't do anything there either. And all lower panels were sprayed with textured paint and even that was failing in places. Anyway, I did a test spot the evening before with Megs UC on HT Cyan and M205 on LC black. Looks good right? Thought I had it nailed, but when I came back the next day, I found out it wasn't going to be that easy. For the majority of the car, I had to step up to D300/MF cutting pads and in a few ugly spots on the repainted hood, I did M105/Megs Burgundy pad on the Flex 3401. Followed that with UC/Cyan and a round of M205/black. And through all that, I still only ended up with 80-90% correction throughout the car. I was on a time crunch that I hadn't expected and ended up having to pack it in after about 13 hours, so we had to be satisfied to let the deeper swirls and RIDS go this time. Nice little RIDS right below the sun spot. :sorry: Finished the car with AG HD wax, OptiBond 1:1 on the tires, CG Bare Bones on the wells, and Megs glass cleaner on....the glass. Thanks for looking and have a great Memorial day!
My friend had one of those, I was so mad at him when he told me he crushed it and got a Celica...but in his defense he said it died on him almost every day
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. It's far from perfect, but it was a huge improvement and my friend was pleased. That's what matters, really. And Pat, I've seen your Z and THAT is an awesome car. Insane amount of work into that one!