The car is going to be raced, had a terrible repaint with orange peel thrown in at no charge (Single Stage non metalic) so I can only do so much with it, but I think it will be an improvement. I can already tell that the finished paint is very finicky. Tested the hood yesterday PROCESS 1200 2000 105 BLACK WOOL 2250RPM 105 WHITE PAD FLEX 205 WHITE PAD FLEX POLI SEAL GREEN PAD HD POXY GRAY 3M PAD FLEX Here is the car at the start. Hood - I worked on the right 3rd yesterday to test the paint out but 2000 grit wasn't going to cut it so I am going back to it tomorrow. So today I decided to do the trunk instead. Before with all the dust on it After polishing HD POXY is curing AFTER HD POXY WHAT AWAITS ME ON THE SIDES: AND OF COURSE THE HOOD IS WAITING.
Boy, you got your work cut out for you there...good thing is it'll be a dramatic improvement. Take lots of shots!
DAY 3 Ok, the hood is done. Here are some before pictures Flash on Without the flash Middle of the hood Left of the hood with bird droppings that didn't come out completely. I'd say they are reduced 50% - I removed alot of paint, I didn't want to pay for a repaint. I addressed all the deep scratches and other inperfections first before sanding the whole hood. Actually a few times some of them. After 105 Rotary/Flex Here you can still see some swirls that were further compounded later. Back and forth, back and forth.... Before All done Now here are some random afters First the HD POXY is curing on top of Poli Seal DUN... DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROOF IS NEXT
Thanks everyone! The car is not running and can't take it outside. Cars are coming and going in the shop. It is also filthy. I just wiped down the area I'd work on. Once done it will be pushed outside and washed.